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Ghanem R; Ben Soussi J; Ledoux JB; Linares C; Garrabou J. Population structure and conservation status of the white gorgonian Eunicella singularis (Esper, 1791) in Tunisian waters (Central Mediterranean)
Article: vol: 22 num: 2 Pag: 362-371 Mediterranean Marine Science. . (2021)
Gras, A.; Hidalgo, O.; D'Ambrosio, U.; Parada, M.; Garnatje, T.; Vallès, J. The role of botanical families in medicinal ethnobotany: a phylogenetic perspective
Article: vol: 10(1) num: 163 Pag: - Plants. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/175239. (2021)
Gras, A.; Parada, M.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T. The Role of Traditional Plant Knowledge in the Fight Against Infectious Diseases: A Meta-Analytic Study in the Catalan Linguistic Area
Article: vol: 12 num: 744616 Pag: - Frontiers in Pharmacology. . (2021)
Guerrero, R.; Berlanga, M. Cavalls de Troia
Article: vol: num: 111 Pag: 102-103 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. . (2021)
Guerrero, R.; Berlanga, M. Virus: vius o viscuts
Article: vol: num: 106 Pag: 106-107 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. . (2021)
Guirao Rico, S.; González, J. Benchmarking the performance of Pool‐seq SNP callers using simulated and real sequencing data
Article: vol: 21 num: 4 Pag: 1216-1229 Molecular Ecology Resources. . (2021)
Gómez-Gras D; Linares C; López-Sanz A; Amate R; Ledoux JB; Bensoussan N; Drap P; Bianchimani O; Marschal C; Torrents O; Zuberer F; Cebrian E; Teixidó N; Zabala M; Kipson S; Kersting DK; Montero-Serra I; Pagès-Escolà M; Medrano A; Frleta-Valić M; Dimarchopoulou D; López-Sendino P; Garrabou J Population collapse of habitat-forming species in the Mediterranean: a long-term study of gorgonian populations affected by recurrent marine heatwaves
Article: vol: 288 num: 1965 Pag: 20212384- Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. . (2021)
Gómez-Gras, D.; Linares, C.; Dornelas, M.; Madin, J. S.; Brambilla, V.; Ledoux, J. B.; López-Sendino, P.; Bensoussan, N.; Garrabou, J. Climate change transforms the functional identity of Mediterranean coralligenous assemblage
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Ecology Letters. . (2021)
Halpin, L.R.; Ross, J.D.; Ramos, R.; Mott, R.; Carlile, N.; Golding, N.; Reyes-González, J.M.; Militão, T.; Felipe, F. de; Zajková, Z.; Cruz-Flores, M.; Saldanha, S.; Morera-Pujol, V.; Navarro-Herrero, L.; Zango, L.; González-Solís, J.; Clarke R.H. Double-tagging scores of seabirds reveals that light-level geolocator accuracy is limited by species idiosyncrasies and equatorial solar profiles
Article: vol: 12 num: 11 Pag: 2243-2255 Methods in Ecology and Evolution. . (2021)
Hennige, S.J.; Larsson, A.I.; Orejas, C.; Gori, A.; De Clippele, L.H.; Lee, Y.C.; Jimeno, G.; Georgoulas, K.; Kamenos, N.A.; Roberts, J.M. Using the Goldilocks Principle to model coral ecosystem engineering
Article: vol: 288 num: 1956 Pag: 591292- Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/183542. (2021)
James, J.; Thomas, J.R.; Maceda-Veiga, A.; Mitchell, R.; Vaughan, I.; Cable, J. Environmental nitrate impacts foraging and agonistic behaviours of invasive non-native crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus and Faxionus virilis)
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Hydrobiologia. . (2021)
José R. Paranaíba; Ralf Aben; Nathan Barros; Gabrielle Quadra; Annika Linkhorst; André M. Amado; Soren Brothers; Núria Catalán; Jason Condon; Colin M. Finlayson; Hans-Peter Grossart; Julia Howitt; Ernandes S. Oliveira Junior; Philipp S. Keller; Matthias Koschorreck; Alo Laas; Catherine Leigh; Rafael Marcé; Raquel Mendonça; Claumir C. Muniz; Biel Obrador; Gabriela Onandia; Diego Raymundo; Florian Reverey; Fábio Roland; Eva-Ingrid Rõõm; Sebastian Sobek; Daniel von Schiller; Haijun Wang; Sarian Kosten Cross-continental importance of CH4 emissions from dry inland-waters
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Science of the Total Environment. . (2021)
Jäger, P.; Arnedo, M.A.; Azevedo, G.H.F; Baehr, B.; Bonaldo, A.B.; Haddad, C.R.; Harms, D.; Hormiga, G.; Labarque, F.L.; Muster, C.; Ramírez, M.J.; Santos, A.J. Twenty years, eight legs, one concept: describing spider biodiversity in Zootaxa (Arachnida: Araneae)
Article: vol: 4979 num: 1 Pag: 131-146 Zootaxa. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/179511. (2021)
Kapun, M.; Nunez, J.C.B.; Bogaerts-Márquez, M.; Murga-Moreno, J.; Paris M.; Outten, J.; Coronado-Zamora, M.; Tern, C.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; García Guerreiro, M.P.; Casillas, S.; Orengo, D.J.; Puerma, E.; Kankare, M.; Ometto, L.; Loeschcke, L.; Onder, S.B.; Abbott, J.K.; Schaeffer, S.W.; Rajpurohit, S.; Behrman, E.L.; Schou, M.F.; Merritt, T.J.S.; Lazzaro, B.P.; Glaser-Schmitt, A.; Argyridou, E.; Staubach, F.; Wang, Y.; Tauber, E.; Serga, S.V.; Fabian, D.K.; Dyer, K.A.; Wheat, C.W.; Parsch, P.; Grath, S.; Veselinovic, M.S.; Stamenkovic-Radak, M.; Jelic, M.; Buendía-Ruíz, A.J.; Gómez-Julián, M.J.; Espinosa-Jimenez, M.L.; Gallardo-Jiménez, F.D.; Patenkovic, A.; Eric, K.; Tanaskovic, M.; Ullastres, A.; Guio, L.; Merenciano, M.; Guirao-Rico, S.; Horváth, V.; Obbard, D.J.; Pasyukova, E.; Alatortsev, V.E.; Vieira, C.P.; Vieira, J.; Torres, R.J.; Kozeretska, I.; Maistrenko, O.M.; Montchamp-Moreau, C.; Mukha, D.V.; Machado, H.E.; Lamb, K.; Paulo, T.; Yusuf, L.; Barbadilla, A.; Petrov, P.; Schmidt Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST)-A New Population Genomics Resource
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Molecular Biology and Evolution. . (2021)
Keller, P.S.; Marcé, R.; Obrador, B.; Koschorreck, M. Global carbon budget of reservoirs is overturned by the quantification of drawdown areas
Article: vol: 14 num: Pag: 402-408- Nature Geoscience. . (2021)
Khan, H.; Laas, A.; Marcé, R.; Sepp, M.; Obrador, B. Eutrophication and geochemistry drive pelagic calcite precipitation in lakes
Article: vol: 13 num: Pag: 597- Water. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/175084. (2021)
Kiourtsoglou, A.; Kaliontzopoulou, A.; Poursanidis, D.; Jablonski, D.; Lymberakis, P.; Poulakakis, N. Evidence of cryptic diversity in Podarcis peloponnesiacus and re-evaluation of its current taxonomy; insights from genetic, morphological and ecological data.
Article: vol: 59 num: Pag: 2350-2370 Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. . (2021)
Lan, T.; Zhao, Y.; Zhao, F.; He Y.; Martinez, P.; and Strausfeld, N. Leanchoiliiidae reveals the ancestral organization of the stem arthropod brain.
Article: vol: 31 num: 19 Pag: 4397-4404 Current Biology. . (2021)
Ledoux, J.-B.; Ghanem, R.; Horaud, M.; López-Sendino, P.; Romero-Soriano, V.; Antunes, A.; Bensoussan, N.; Gómez-Gras, D.; Linares, C.; Machordom, A.; Ocaña, O.; Templado, J.; Leblois, R.; Ben Souissi, J.; Garrabou, J. Gradients of genetic diversity and differentiation across the distribution range of a Mediterranean coral: Patterns, processes and conservation implications
Article: vol: 27 num: 11 Pag: 2104-2123 Diversity and Distributions. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/183917. (2021)
Lembrechts,J.;Carnicer,J. Global maps of soil temperature
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Global Change Biology. . (2021)
Li, S.; Sanjuan, J.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, H.; Wan, X. Response of the lacustrine flora in East Asia to global climate changes across the K/Pg boundary.
Article: vol: 197 num: 103400 Pag: - Global and Planetary Change. . (2021)
Lluent, A; Gómez-Bolea, A. Distribució de macrolíquens a Catalunya amb noves dades corològiques sobre líquens protegits
Article: vol: 85 num: 1 Pag: 3-17 Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural. . (2021)
Loidi, Javier; Chytrý, Milan; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Alessi, Nicola; Biurrun, Idoia; Campos, Juan Antonio; Carni, Andra¿; Fernández-Pascual, Eduardo; Font, Xavier; Gholizadeh, Hamid; Indreica, Adrian; Kavgaci, Ali; Knollová, Ilona; Naqinezhad, Alireza; Novák, Pavel; Arkadiusz; Skvorc, Zeljko; Tsiripidis, Ioannis; Vassilev, Kiril; Marcenò, Corrado Life-form diversity across temperate deciduous forests of Western Eurasia: A different story in the understory
Article: vol: 48 num: 11 Pag: 2932-2945 Journal of Biogeography. . (2021)
Lozano-Fernandez, J. Origen dels artròpodes i conquesta de la terra
Article: vol: 31 num: Pag: 25-34 L'Atzavara. . (2021)
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