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Maceda-Veiga, A.; Salvadó, H.; Vinyoles, D.; De Sostoa, A. Outbreaks of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in Redtail Barbs Barbus haasi in a Mediterranean Stream during Drought.
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Miquel, J.; Foronda, P.; Torres, J.; Swiderski, Z.; Feliu, C. Ultratructural study of the spermatozoon of Taenia taeniaeformis (Bastsch, 1786) (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Taeniidae), an intestinal parasite of Felis catus from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain)
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Miquel, J.; Swiderski, Z.; Foronda, P.; Torres, J.; Feliu, C. Ultrastructure of spermatogenesis of Taenia taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Taeniidae) and comparison of spermatological characters in the family Taeniidae Ludwig, 1886
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Molero, J.; Pyke, S. Felicia filifolia (Asteraceae), neòfit d'origen sud-africà introduït al sud de Catalunya
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Molina-Vacas, G.; Bonet-Arbolí, V.; Rafart-Plaza, E.; Rodriguez-Teijeiro, J.D. Spatial ecology of european badgers (Meles meles) in mediterranean habitats of the north-eastern iberian peninsula. II: Habitat selection.
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Article: vol: 46 num: 3 Pag: 423-452 Journal of Paleolimnology. . (2009)
Moreno, E., Nadal, M., Baguñà, J., Martínez, P Tracking the origins of the bilaterian Hox patterning system: insights from the acoel flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffenesis
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