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Swiderski, Z.; Mackiewicz, J.S.; Eira, C.; Miquel, J. Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies on vitellogenesis in diphyllidean cestode Echinobothrium euterpes (Echinobothriidae) and its phylogenetical implications
Article: vol: 56 num: 2 Pag: 180-190 Acta Parasitologica. . (2011)
Sánchez-Gracia, A.; Rozas, J. Molecular population genetics of the Odorant-Binding Protein 83 genomic region in Drosophila subobscura and D. guanche: Contrasting the effects of natural selection and gene arrangement expansion in the patterns of nucleotide variation
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Torres, J.; Eira, C.; Miquel, J.; Foronda, P.; Feliu, C. Cadmium and lead concentrations in Moniliformis moniliformis (Acanthocephala) and Rodentolepis microstoma (Cestoda), and in their definitive hosts, Rattus rattus and Mus domesticus in El Hierro (Canary Archipelago, Spain)
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Zivanovic, G.; Arenas, C.; Mestres, F. O-chromosome lethal frequencies in Serbian and Montenegrin Drosophila subobscura populations
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Zivanovic, G.; Mestres, F. Changes in chromosomal polymorphism and global warming: The case of Drosophila subobscura from Apatin (Serbia).
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Álvarez Presas, M.; Carbayo,F.; Rozas, J.; Riutort, M. Land planarians (platyhelminthes) as a model organism for fine-scale phylogeographic studies: understanding patterns of biodiversity in the brazilian atlantic forest hotspot
Article: vol: 24 num: Pag: 887-896 Journal of Evolutionary Biology. . (2011)
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Alvarez de Quevedo, Irene; Cardona, Luis; De Haro, Andrea; Pubill, Eva; Aguilar, Alex Sources of bycatch of loggerhead sea turtles in the western Mediterranean other than drifting longlines
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Alvarez Presas, M.; Carbayo, F.; Rozas, J.; Riutort, M. Planarias terrestres, Mata Atlántica y biodiversidad
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Araúz, P.A.; Pegueroles, C.; Calabria, G.; Serra, L., Balanyà, J.; Pascual, M.; Mestres, F. Genetic markers of the Va/Ba balanced lethal strain of Drosophila subobscura
Article: vol: 93 num: Pag: 9-10 Drosophila Information Service. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/34272. (2010)
Athanasiadis, G.; Esteban, E.; Gaya-Vidal, M.; Dugoujon, JM.; Moschonas, N.; Chaabani, H.; Bissar-Tadmouri, N.; Harich, N.; Stoneking, M.; Moral, P. Different evolutionary histories of the coagulation factor VII gene in human populations?.
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Athanasiadis, G.; Gonzalez-Perez, E.; Esteban, E.; Dugoujon, J.M.; Stoneking, M.; Moral, P. The Mediterranean Sea as a barrier to gene flow: evidence from variation in and around the F7 and F12 genomic regions.
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Barciova, T.; Hanzelova, V.; Turcekova, L.; Torres, J. The Ruzin water reservoir: influence of heavy metal pollution on fish and assessment of fish parasites as biomonitors
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Borrell, A.; Garcia-Solà, A.; Aguilar, A.; García, N.A.; Crespo, E.A. Organochlorine residues in South American Sea Lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800): Bioaccumulation and Time Trends.
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