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Ponjoan, A.; Bota, G.; Mañosa, S. Ranging behaviour of little bustard males, Tetrax tetrax, in the lekking grounds
Article: vol: 91 num: Pag: 35-40 Behavioural Processes. . (2012)
Puigcerver, M.; Sardà-Palomera, F.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. Determining population trends and conservation status of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) in Western Europe
Article: vol: 35 num: 2 Pag: 343-352 Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/56226. (2012)
Pérez Haase, A.; Carrillo, E.; Batriu, E. & Ninot, J.M. Diversitat de comunitats vegetals a les molleres de la Vall d'Aran (Pirineus centrals)
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Pérez, Nora; Font, X Predicting vascular plant richness patterns in Catalonia (NE Spain) using species distribution models
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Pérez-de la Fuente, R., Peñalver, E., Delclòs, X., Engel, M.S. Snakefly diversity in Early Cretaceous amber from Spain (Neuropterida, Raphidioptera)
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Reyes-García, V.; Aceituno, L.; Vila, S.; Calvet-Mir, L.; Garnatje, T.; Jesch, A.; Lastra, J.J.; Parada, M.; Rigat, M.; Vallès, J.; Pardo-de-Santayana, M. Home gardens in three mountain regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Description, motivation for gardening, and gross financial benefits
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Ribas, A.; Molina-Vacas, G.; Boadella, M.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D; Fernández-Cardo, R.; Arrizabalaga, A. First report of Troglotrema acutum (Digenea, Troglotrematidae) in the Eurasian badger Meles meles in the Iberian Peninsula and presumptive lesions caused in the host
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Ribas, A.; Veciana, M.; Chaisiri, K.; Morand, S. Protospirura siamensis n.sp. (Nematoda: Spiruridae) from rodents in Thailand
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Rodríguez-Climent, S.; Caiola, N.; Ibáñez, C.; Alcaraz, C.; Nebra, A.; MUÑOZ-Camarillo, G.; Vinyoles, D.; Sostoa, A. de Gillnet selectivity in the Ebro Delta coastal lagoons and its implication for the fishery management of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Actinopterygii: Atherinidae)
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Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D.; Sardà-Palomera, F.; Puigcerver, M. Post-breeding movements and migration patterns of western populations of common quail (Coturnix coturnix): from knowledge to hunting management
Article: vol: 35 num: 2 Pag: 333-342 Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/56224. (2012)
Ruhı, A.; San Sebastian, O.; Feo, C.; Franch, M.; Gascón, S.; Richter-Boix, A.; Boix, D.; Llorente, G. Man-made Mediterranean temporary ponds as a tool for amphibian conservation
Article: vol: 48 num: Pag: 81-93 Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology. . (2012)
Sanchez-Donoso, I.; Vilà, C.; Puigcerver, M.; Butkauskas, D.; Caballero de la Calle, J.R.; Morales-Rodríguez, P.A.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. Are Farm-Reared Quails for Game Restocking Really Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix)? A Genetic Approach
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Santos, J.; Pascual, M.; Simões, P.; Fragata, I.; Lima, M.; Kellen, B.; Santos, M.; Marques, A.; Rose, M.R.; Matos, M. From nature to the laboratory: the impact of founder effects on adaptation
Article: vol: 25 num: Pag: 2607-2622 Journal of Evolutionary Biology. . (2012)
Sardà-Palomera, F.; Puigcerver, M.; Brotons, Ll.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. Modelling seasonal changes in the distribution of Common Quail Coturnix coturnix in farmland landscapes using remote sensing
Article: vol: 154 num: 4 Pag: 703-713 Ibis. . (2012)
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