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Garnatje, T.; Calvet-Mir, L.; Parada, M.; Rigat, M.; Vallès, J.; Reyes-García, V. Els horts familiars del Pirineu català. Aproximacions etnobotàniques i etnoecològiques
Article: vol: 72 num: Pag: 25-28 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. . (2012)
Garnier, R.; Ramos, R.; Staszewski, V.; Militão, T.; Lobato, E.; González-Solís, J.; Boulinier, T. Maternal antibody persistence: a neglected life history trait with implications from albatross conservation to comparative immunology
Article: vol: 279 num: 1735 Pag: 2033-2041 Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. . (2012)
Garriga, N.; Llorente, G.A. Chondrocranial ontogeny of Pelodytes punctatus (Anura: Pelodytidae). Response to competition: geometric morphometric and allometric change analysis
Article: vol: 93 num: Pag: 453-464 Acta Zoologica. . (2012)
Garriga, N.; Santos, X.; Montori, A.; Richter-Boix, A.; Franch, M.; Llorente, G.A. Are protected areas truly protected? The impact of road traffic on vertebrate fauna
Article: vol: 21 num: 11 Pag: 2761-2774 Biodiversity and Conservation. . (2012)
Gassó, N.; Pino, J.; Font, X.; Vilà, M. Regional context affects native and alien plant species richness across habitat types
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Gayà-Vidal, M.; Athanasiadis, G.; Carreras-Torres, R.; Via, M.; Esteban, E.; Villena, M.; Vásquez, R.; Dugoujon, J.M.; Moral, P. Apolipoprotein E/C1/C4/C2 gene cluster diversity in two native Andean populations: Aymaras and Quechuas.
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Girón, V.; Garnatje, T.; Vallès, J.; Pérez-Collazos, E.; Catalán, P.; Valdés, B. Geographical Distribution of Diploid and Tetraploid Cytotypes of Thymus sect. Mastichina (Lamiaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula, Genome Size and Evolutionary Implications
Article: vol: 47 num: Pag: 441-460 Folia Geobotanica. . (2012)
González-Casanovas, J.; Barrull, J.; Mate, I.; Zorrilla, J.M.; Ruiz-Olmo, J.; Gosàlbez, J.; Salicrú, M Shaping carnivore communities by predator control: competitor release revisited
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Grantham, T.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Perrée, I.; Rieradevall, M.; Prat, N. A mesocosm approach for detecting stream invertebrate community responses to treated wastewater effluent
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Grau, O.; Ninot, J.M.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; van Logtestijn, R.S.P.; Cornelissen, J.H.C.; Callaghan, T.V. Shrub-tree interactions and environmental changes drive treeline dynamics in the Subarctic
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Grau, O.; Ninot, J.M.; Ferré, A.; Font, X.; Grytnes, J.-A. Altitudinal species richness patterns of vascular plants in the south-eastern Pyrenees and nearby mountains of Catalonia
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Guardiola, M.; Molero, J.; Sáez, Ll.; López, J.; Rios, A.I.; Bagaria, G.; Carreras, J. Noves aportacions al coneixement de la flora vascular de les comarques meridionals de Catalunya.IV
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Gómez-Díaz E.; Morris-Pocock, J.; González-Solís, J.; McCoy, K.D. Trans-oceanic host dispersal explains high seabird tick diversity on Cape Verde islands
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Hidalgo, O.; Vallès, J. First record of a natural hexaploid population for Valeriana officinalis: genome size is confirmed to be a suitable indicator of ploidy level in the species
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Jiménez-Alfaro, B.; Fernández Pascual, E.; Díaz González, T.E.; Pérez-Haase, A.; Ninot, J.M. Diversity of rich-fen vegetation and related plant specialists in mountain refugia in the Iberian Peninsula
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Kaliontzopoulou, A.; Carretero, M. A.; Llorente G. A.. Morphology of the Podarcis wall lizards (Squamata: Lacertidae) from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa: patterns of variation in a putative cryptic species complex
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Khadem, M.; Munté, A.; Camacho, R.; Aguadé, M.; Segarra, C. Multilocus analysis of nucleotide variation in Drosophila madeirensis, an endemic species of the Laurisilva forest in Madeira
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Khaldi, M.; Torres, J.; Samsó, B.; Miquel, J.; Biche, M.; Bentettou, M.; Barech, G.; Ribas, A. Endoparasites (Helminths and Coccidians) of Hedgehogs (Atelerix algirus (Lereboullet, 1842) and Paraechinus aethiopicus (Ehrenberg, 1832) from Algeria
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Khaldi, M.; Torres, J.; Samsó, B.; Miquel, J.; Biche, M.; Benyettou, M.; Barech, G.; Benelkadi, H.A.; Ribas, A. Endoparasites (helminths and coccidians) in the hedgehogs Atelerix algirus and Paraechinus aethiopicus from Algeria
Article: vol: 47 num: 1 Pag: 48-54 African Zoology. . (2012)
Kovacs, K.; Aguilar, A.; Aurioles, D.; Burkanov, V.; Campagna, C.; Gales, N.; Gelatt, T.; Goodman, S.J.; Hofmeyr, G.J.H.; Härkönen, T.; Lowry, L.; Lydersen, C.; Schipper, J.; Sipilä, T.; Southwell, C.; Stuart, S.; Thompson, D.; Fritztrillmich, F. Global threats to pinnipeds
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