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Research staff
The Conference of the Biodiversity Research Institute_IRBio aims to reflect on the concept of Urban Biodiversity at the hands of senior and junior researchers from the Institute, with Naturalea, a bioengineering company and the public administration.

The pandemic led to a spontaneous naturalization of urban spaces. Since then, many spaces in cities and towns have become green and filled with multicolored wildflowers; we have even seen wild species coming from the natural areas close to the cities.

Nature brings a benefit to the city promotes the health of people and the community (physical and mental health) and a natural environment to enjoy. In addition to being a regulatory system for noise and air pollution, it reduces surface runoff, promotes pollination, regulates the ambient temperature and also helps to mitigate the effects of climate change.

We are currently seeing an increase in ecological urbanism that aims to integrate biodiversity within the city through nature-based solutions and green infrastructures to improve life in cities and connect with nature.

Can cities be biodiversity ecosystems? Should urban green spaces create an ecosystem for native flora and fauna? Can there be wildlife in the city? What possible problems can we encounter with the coexistence of wildlife in the city?

January 26, 2023
Aula Magna Faculty of Biology. UB


9:00am Presentation Director's Day

9:15am "Butterflies in the city: ecological patterns in successful species". Dr. Yolanda Melero IRBio-UB and CREAF.

10:00 "Contribution of naturalized urban ponds to the environmental sustainability of cities: the NATURBPOND project". Dr. Dani Von Shiller. UB

10:45 "Landscape bioengineering, a tool to turn a problem into an opportunity for the improvement of urban biodiversity". Dr. Albert Sororla nature

11:30 Rest

12:00 "Genomics of invasive species in port environments". Carles Galià (PhD). IRBio-UB.

12:45 "The role of the city in the success of invasive species, the experience of the dissemination and citizen science project "Actuem a temps"". Dr. Erola Fenollosa. University of Oxford and IRBio-UB.

13:30 Round table of speakers and guests from Barcelona City Council, Natural Sciences Museum, Barcelona Zoo.

Dacha Atienza Scientific manager and Head of the Scientific Area. Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona.

Juli Mauri De Los Rios. Head of the Conservation Unit. Barcelona Zoo

Pending confirmation. Biodiversity Program. Urban Ecology. city ​​Hall of Barcelona

Moderator: Miquel Arnedo. Director of the Biodiversity Research Institute

14:00 Closing: pica pica

Posters section: Exhibition of posters produced by IRBio research groups in the lobby of the Margalef building of the Faculty of Biology.

Free entry with registration indicating if you stay for lunch and a poster is presented.

Registration deadline: January 16, 2023

Registration form