The Institutions and Political Economy Research Group ( seeks to appoint one post-doctoral fellow in comparative politics and/or political economy linked to the COVIDEMO Social Research La Caixa project on the effects of the pandemic crisis on democratic preferences. 

 The aim of the COVIDEMO project is to understand the way in which the COVID-19 crisis affects technocratic attitudes and democratic preferences. The COVIDEMO Principal Investigator is Professor Francesc Amat and the research team is also composed by professors Jordi Muñoz, Andreu Arenas and Albert Falcó all from the University of Barcelona. 

 The research team is looking for young political scientists or economists – preferably with strong quantitative skills. The position will have a duration of 12 months. The selected postdoctoral fellow will be required to be in residence at IPERG-UB in Barcelona during the 12 months. We can be somewhat flexible on the start date of the postdoctoral fellowship, but it should be no later than January 2022. 

 The stipend, commensurate with those for postdoctoral researchers in Spain, will be in the range between 34.000 and 36.000 euros for the duration of the whole contract. 

 The COVIDEMO project will investigate the extent to which citizens have switched towards more technocratic preferences and lower levels of political trust. The project will also explore the contextual moderating role of social capital and latent authoritarianism. We want to analyze if the changes in political preferences are short-term or will have long-lasting consequences.  

Interested candidates may contact the COVIDEMO principal investigator for more details by email:

For full consideration, all applications should be submitted before September 15th, 2021. However, applications will continue to be reviewed until the position is filled. 

 Candidates for the positions should submit: a CV, a three pages description of their research accomplishments and interests, one paper, and two recommendation letters. 

 Please send your application material to: Ms. Anna Alsina, Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG), University of Barcelona,