
Alternative reation path (Original Image by
              Mordillo) Alternative reaction path
(Original Image by ©Mordillo)
              energy (Original Image by Mordillo) Activation energy
(Original Image by ©Mordillo)

The Reaction Mechanisms in Inorganic Chemistry group of the Universitat de Barcelona is a small group formed by Dr. Manuel Martínez López (Full Professor and coordinator of the group) and Dr. Montserrat Ferrer García (Full Professor).

Present members:

  • Dr. Manuel Martínez López
  • Dra. Montserrat Ferrer Garcia


  • Dr. Albert Gallén Ortiz
  • Sr. Ot Raïch Panisello

Previous members:

  • Dra. Mari-Ángel Pitarque (IES Torre del Rei, Orpesa del Mar, Castelló, SPAIN)
  • Dr. Gabriel González (ICTQ, SPAIN)
  • Dr. Carlos Gallego (IES, Narcís Monturiol, Barcelona, SPAIN)
  • Dr. Fernando Bozoglián (Thermo Fisher Scientific, SPAIN)
  • Dr. Julio Esteban
  • Dr. Carlos Rodríguez (Elsevier, NEDERLANDS)
  • Dra. Susanna Jansat
  • Dra. Marta Vázquez (Institut Nacional de Toxicologia i Ciències Forenses, SPAIN)

The research group, specialised in kinetico-mechanistic studies of inorganic reactions, has its own equipment for the measurement of reaction kinetics in a comprehensive manner. This equipment includes stopped-flow instruments, standard and diode-array spectrophotometers, and a pressurizing system for liquids up to 2500 atmospheres for the measurement of activation volumes, both at conventional and stopped-flow time-scales. The group has also automatic titration systems, which allow a complete study of the distributions of the different active species in the reaction medium; a UV-Vis external probe is used for this purpose. All these instruments are assisted by global analysis software that chemometrically allows the interpretation of the raw data and the detection of possible reaction intermediates.

Additionally, the group utilises all the instrumentation jointly available in Química Inorgànica, the Facultat de Química, and the Serveis Científico-Tècnics from the Universitat de Barcelona. In this sense, it is relevant to indicate the standard use of electrochemical and time resolved nuclear magnetic resonance experiments for its application to kinetico-mechanistic studies.

The group is, thus, clearly involved in highly multidisciplinary research lines, a fact that is specifically suited for Ph.D. students. The research group is one of the few internationally active in kinetico-mechanistic studies, which provides an important added value to its formation. The research is carried out on processes occurring on Werner type classical complexes, orgamometallic compounds, and supramolecular coordination assemblies; furthermore, important contributions to the knowledge of the reactivity of the ligands involved are also common.