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February - 2022The gruop atend the QIES-22 meeting at Sevilla presenting several poster communications and the oral presentation
"Imanes unimoleculares isotrópicos: nuevas herramientas hacia la relajación magnética" by Dr. Júlia Mayans
January - 2022Mr. Joan Serra  joins the group  as PhD student
October - 2021Mr. Ernesto Costa joins the group as PhD student.
September - 2021Mr. Sergi Caballero  joins the group  as master student
September - 2021Dr.Julia Mayans Come back to the group as lecturer.
October - 2021Mr. Joan Serra (PhD  student) and Mr. Sergi  (master student) join the group 
March - 2020Mr. Ernesto Costa joins the group as PhD student.
October - 2020Mr. Joan Serra and Mr. Arnau Ferran join the group as master students.
September - 2020Ms. Annia Tubau joins MAGMOL group as a PhD student
February - 2020Mr. Evangelos Pilichos joins MAGMOL group as a PhD student
February - 2020Dr.Julia Mayans Moves to ICMOL (University of Valencia) for a post-doc stay. .
November - 2019Visit at the Chemistry Departments of the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH, Prof. Diego Venegas), Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB, Prof. Veronica Paredes) and Universidad de Chile (UCL, Prof. Jorge Manzur and Dr. Monica Soler).
Place: Centro para el Desarrollo de la Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia (CEDENNA)
Prof. Albert Escuer  "Sistemas supramoleculares de coordinación"
 Dr Julia Mayans "Anisotropía magnética en compuestos de lantánidos"
October - 2019Visit at the Chemistry Department of the University of Patras (Greece) to discuss the current and future common reserach lines and collaboration.
9th October  Prof. Albert Escuer  "Supramolecular assemblies: structures and magnetism"
11th October  Dr Julia Mayans "Lanthanides in molecular magnetism"
September - 2019The master student Annia Tubau and the undergraduate students Joan Serra and Arnau  Ferran joined or group.
September - 2019Prof. A. Escuer and  Dr. J. Mayans attend the 7th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism, ECMM-2019, held at Florence, 15-18th September and MOLSPIN workshop (19th September).
"Heterometallic clusters 3d/4f derived from racemic and chiral ligands. Magnetic and electric study"
August - 2019Dr. Júlia Mayans has got the prestigious post-doc fellowship Juan de la Cierva-Formacion for a 2 years contract at ICMOL (Valencia)
June - 2019Prof. Theocharis Stamatatos (University of Patras, Greece)  visited our group.
May - 2019Prof. A. Escuer and Dr. J. Mayans were invited at the 8th Workshop on "Current Trends in Molecular and Nanoscale Magnetism " CTMNM-19,  celebrated at the island of Rhodes, 27-31th May.
 Dr. Mayans, "Study of the magnetic anisotropy and magnetic properties of two dinuclear lanthanide compounds: [Ce(III)2] and [Nd(III)2]"
Prof. Escuer, "Coordination chemistry through the looking glass"
March - 2019The Erasmus student Evangelos Pilichos (University of Patras, Greece) joined our group for a three months stay, under the supervision of Dr. J. Mayans.
December - 2018Dr. Julia Mayans has defended her PhD thesis "3d and/or 4f coordination compounds derived from chiral Schiff bases: magnetic and spectroscopic studies"
December - 2018Prof. Katsuya Inoue (University of Hiroshima, Japan)  visited our group.
September - 2018Prof. A. Escuer and  J. Mayans attend the 16th International Conference on Molecular Magnetism, ICMM-2018, held at Rio de Janeiro, 1-5th September.
"Magnetic and spectroscopic study in unusual lanthanide SMMs"
"Zn(II)-Ln(III) single ion magnets derived from chiral Schiff bases"
September - 2018Prof. Ramon Vicente and Dr. Saskia Speed attend the 10th International Conference on f-Elements (ICFE-10), held at Lausane (Switzerland), 3-6th September
"Chiral Ln(III) coordination compounds based on (R)- or (S)-(±)-2-(6-Methoxy-2-naphthyl)propionic acid: structural, magnetic and optical studies"
Dinuclear [Ln2(2-FBz)6(terpy)2] compounds. SMM behaviour and luminescent properties"
June - 2018Dr. Berta Casanovas has  defended her PhD thesis "Magnetic and / or luminescent coordination compounds from 3d or 4f elements: searching for multiproperties systems"
June - 2018 Prof. A. Escuer and  J. Mayans were invited at the  Workshop  "8th North America-Greece-Cyprus Workshop on Paramagnetic Materials" NAGC-18,  celebrated at the city of Sparta (Greece), 18-22th June.
 J.. Mayans, "Enhancement of Single Ion Magnet Properties in Lanthanide Clusters by Improving the Magnetic Dilution with Specific d-Metals. A Comparative Study"
Prof. Escuer, "Nickel(II) Supramolecular Assemblies: From Mesocates to Helicates"
February-April 2018The PhD student J. Mayans join for a 3-months stay the group of Prof. R. Sessoli at LaMM (Firenze). Supervisor Prof. Lorenzo Sorace.