Aveiro 2014

Tradition, Transition, Trajectories:
major or minor influences?

Helena Barbosa

Anna Calvera




> Strand 1 . Histories of design criticism

Fredie Floré
VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands and Ghent University, Belgium

Is an engineer-architect and a Lecturer in Architectural History and Design History at VU University Amsterdam and at Ghent University. Her research focuses on the history of discourses on domestic architecture, home culture, interiors and design in Belgium and the Netherlands in the second half of the twentieth century. She has authored and coedited several books, including Lessen in Goed Wonen (Leuven University Press 2010) and has published in national and international books and journals, including Architectural History, The Journal of Architecture, The Journal of Design History, Interiors and De Witte Raaf. Along with Javier Gimeno-Martinez, she organized the 2010 ICDHS conference in Brussels (Belgium).

Heitor Alvelos
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal

Ph.D Design (Royal College of Art, 2003), MFA Visual Communication (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1992). Professor at U.Porto, member of the Scientific Board of the Foundation for Science and Technology, and Director of ID+ on behalf of U.Porto. Since 2006 he has developed R&D at UTAustin-Portugal program for Digital Media, is now its National Outreach Program Director, and curates the digital media festival FuturePlaces since 2008. Since 2000, Heitor has developed sound documents, design and stage visuals for various media labels (Ash International, Touch, Cronica Electronica, Tapeworm). He was editorial director for Manobras no Porto, is a singer at Stopestra, and co-owns the random music label 333. Current research interests include participatory media, creative citizenship and cultural criminology.

> Strand 2 . Design Education in Art, Craft, Technology, and other Traditions

Haruhiko Fujita
Osaka University, Japan

Professor of Aesthetics at Osaka University where he teaches Design Aesthetics and History of Art and Design. His major publication includes William Morris, William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement, J. M. W. Turner, The Realm of the National Trust, and The Mingei Movement and Architecture. He organized the 6th ICDHS OSAKA held in Asia for the first time in 2008. He is General Editor of the Encyclopedia of Asian Design.

Henrique Cayatte
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Designer, illustrator and teacher with extensive work in the editorial area. Runs his own studio, in Lisbon, since 1990. Founder and author of the global design, editor and illustrator of the daily journal "Público" until the year 2000. Co-author of the communication system of signage for the World Expo – EXPO 98 Lisbon, where he was also responsible for the design of the Portugal Pavilion. Designer of the Portuguese Pavilion in the World Expo's of Hannover 2000 and Aichi Japan 2005. Commissioner and designer of several exhibitions. Designer of the magazine "Egoísta", "Diário de Notícias", "Cubo" among other publications. Author of the new Portuguese electronic passport and of the citizen card. Elected member of the European board of design [BEDA 2008-2012]. President of the Portuguese Design Centre (2004-2012). Invited Professor at the University of Aveiro since 2004.

> Strand 3 . Aesthetics beyond style

Anna Calvera
University of Barcelona, Spain

Professor on Design History, Aesthetics and Design Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (Spain), she teaches at the undergraduate, master and PhD programmes of the Design and Visual Arts Department. She currently researches the History of Design in Barcelona in the industrial era, approaching it as a very local question but fully related to internationally shared design discourse and research. She is also concerned with philosophical aesthetics employed to understand design practices and its social role. Member of GRACMON, a research unit placed in her university and the Fundació Història del Disseny (Barcelona).

Fátima Pombo
University of Leuven, Belgium

Guest Professor at University of Leuven, Belgium and member of ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture
Her research focuses on phenomenology, interior architecture, design theory and aesthetics. She publishes in journals including Idea Journal, Architectoni.ca, The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial and Environmental Design, Iconofacto (Arquitectura Y Diseño), Journal of British Society for Phenomenology. She is an expert nominated by European Commission to evaluate projects. During the sabbatical of 2005/2006 she researched at University of Barcelona; in 1999/2000 with a fellowship from Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung she researched at University of Munich and during 1993/1995 at University of Heidelberg on the framework of her PhD in Phenomenology, Aesthetics and Education. She is master in Contemporary Philosophy from the University of Coimbra.



> Strand 1 . Design Histories: tradition, transgression and transformations

Jonathan Woodham
University of Brighton, UK

Has been involved with design history for four decades and has delivered keynote addresses in more than 20 countries in five continents. He has published more than 100 books, chapters and articles, the most widely known being Twentieth Century Design (1997) which has sold more than 56,000 copies worldwide. He has been based at the University of Brighton since 1982 and has been involved in a number of key initiatives including the establishment of the University's Design Archives in 1994 and the launch in 1997 of the University of Brighton Research Fellowship in collaboration with the Research Department at the V&A. Amongst other projects, he is currently contributing new and undated entries to his Dictionary of Modern Design for Oxford University Press, now part of Oxford Reference (online ) He is the Director of Research and Development for the Arts and Humanities at the University and has more recently been researching into design policy and politics and the need to set a more inclusive agenda for design history study and research in the 21st century.

Helena Barbosa
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Teaches disciplines in Design – Undergraduate, Master and Ph.D at University of Aveiro (UA). Her areas of interest are Portuguese Design History, Portuguese material culture, mainly posters and virtual museums. She is responsible for the contents of a virtual on-line poster museum (30.000 posters) a project being developed UA. She is vice-president of ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media, and Culture, member of the editorial board of "The Poster" journal published by Intellect, and member of the Scientific Committee of the journal “Eme: experimental illustration design”, published by Editorial Universitat de València.

> Strand 2 . Design Culture

Pekka Korvenmaa
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland

Vice Dean at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland as well as Professor of Design and Culture at the same school. He is also Adjunct Professor in History of Art at University of Helsinki. He has published on history of Finnish architecture and design since the 1980s both nationally but predominantly on international fori. Besides academic work he has been active in formulating matters of design policy both nationally and internationally. Korvenmaa lectures intensively internationally and is Board Member of Finnish Institute in Japan as well as Chairman of Board, Design Museum of Finland plus board member of ICDHS. His latest book is Finnish Design. A Concise History from 2009 and now also published in Beijing in Chinese.

Helena Souto
Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University (IADE-U), Portugal

She has a Ph.D. in Art Sciences, an M.A. of Art History, and is a graduate in History. She is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Art, Design and Marketing – IADE.U, a member of the research unit center UNIDCOM/IADE, collaborator of the CIDEHUS/University of Évora, and is currently the Principal Investigator at the research project Design in Portugal (1960-1974), financially supported by the FCT (overview in the Design History Society newsletter February 2013). As an author, she has contributed articles on issues of Art and Design History in Portugal to several books and exhibition catalogues. Recently, she published the book Portugal nas Exposições Universais 1851-1900 (Colibri, 2011). She has also participated in national and international conferences, and in 2010 co-organized an international symposium in the International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Barcelona).

> Strand 3 . Design Museums

Tevfik Balcioglu
Yasar University, Turkey

Vice Rector and Professor of Design at Yasar University, Izmir. Studied at Middle East Technical University, attended the Royal College of Art, taught at Goldsmiths' College and Kent Institute of Art & Design, UK, (1992-2002). He is the founder of the 'Design History Society, Turkey' (4T) and the first, (founding) Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Design at Izmir University of Economics (2004-2011). He has organised international conferences and edited several books, including The Role of Product Design in Post-Industrial Society, and a special issue of the Design Journal entitled: A Glance at Design Discourse in Turkey.

Bárbara Coutinho
IST and Director of the MUDE – Design and Fashion Museum

Director / programmer of MUDE - Design and Fashion Museum, Francisco Capelo Collection and Invited Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico. In recent years, she has curated several exhibitions and participated in conferences and seminars on contemporary art and design, architecture and museums, signing several critical essays on these topics, in particular on the transformations of museums and exhibition space / contemporary creation throughout the twentieth century . She has a Masters in History of Contemporary Art by FCSH / UNL with the dissertation “Carlos Ramos (1897-1969) – The search for compromise between Modernism and Tradition”, and is developing her Ph.D on the exhibition space in the museums of the XXI century. Previously, she was coordinator of the Education Service, scientific programmer and coordinator of the Training Courses of Modern and Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture in CCB Foundation.



> Strand 1 . Design Process and Practice

Viviana Narotzky
President of ADI-FAD, the Industrial Design Association of Barcelona, Spain

Design historian, writer and curator. She is President of ADI-FAD, the Industrial Design Association of Barcelona, and a Trustee of the Design History Foundation. She writes and lectures on design and contemporary material culture, curates shows on contemporary and 20C design and is the director of the Open Design/Shared Creativity International Conference, which takes place yearly as part of the Barcelona Design Festival. Among other academic positions, Viviana has been Director of the History of Design MA at Kingston University, Senior Research Fellow at the AHRC Center for the Study the Domestic Interior based at the Royal College of Art, and Tutor on the History of Design MA course run jointly by the RCA and the Victoria & Albert Museum of London. Viviana has worked for institutions such as the World Economic Forum, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, the Victoria & Albert Museum London, and Hong Kong Television.

Raul Cunca
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Designer and Teacher. Master Degree in Industrial Design from Milan Domus Academy and a PhD from Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa in Industrial Design. Associate Professor at Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa and visiting Professor at Facoltà di Architettura – Sapienza Università di Roma and in the Fakultät für Design und Künste – Freie Universität Bozen. Member in several scientific committees, namely referee for the diid_disegno industrial industrial design magazine and member of the international board of referees of Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca – MIUR, Italy. He is author of the books "Territórios Híbridos" published by UL-FBA in 2006 and "A Magia da Polaroid – Colecção Raul Cunca —The Magic of Polaroid – Raul Cunca Collection", published by Casa da Cerca in 2012.

> Strand 2 . Localities / Globalities

Oscar Salinas
National University of Mexico, Mexico

Over 38 years of professional activity, focusing in three main areas of expertise: professional practice, teaching, and research. Professor at the Industrial Design School and Researcher and professor specializing in design history in Industrial Design Postgraduate Program, at the National University of Mexico (UNAM). Permanent member of the International Conference Board, of International Conference on Design History and Design Studies since the year 2000, and member of the Board of Trustees of Design History Foundation in Barcelona. Has been member of different scientific committees for international meetings on Design research, theory and history. Is currently director of Editorial Designio, publisher house especialized in design books, situated in Mexico City, with international distribution.

Fernando Moreira da Silva
Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FA/U Lisboa); PhD and MSc by the University of Salford, UK; Post-Doctorate at the University of Salford in Visual Communication Design, Inclusive Design and Colour; President of CIAUD – Research Centre in Architecture, Urbanism and Design; Coordinator of the Design Scientific Area, Coordinator of the MSc degree in Communication Design and Coordinator of the PhD degree in Design, at FA/U Lisboa; Member of FCT panel for the PhD and Post-Doctorate grants; Honorary Researcher at SURFACE Research Centre. Coordination and participation in several research projects, many of them FCT funded. Publications in scientific journals with peer review, chapters of books and three books.

> Strand 3 . Authorship and Anonymous Design

Eduardo Corte Real
Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University (IADE-U), Portugal

Associate professor and IADE-U’s president of the scientific board. His books include The Smooth Guide to Travel Drawing and The Triumph of Design (2009), O Triunfo da Virtude, as origens do desenho arquitectónico“(2001). He organized a co-chaired UNIDCOM’s 6 international conferences, namely DRS wonderground in 2006. He also coordinates IADE-U’s doctoral program on design and is the editor in chief of “The Radical Designist Journal”.

Grace-Lees Maffei
University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Reader in Design History, where she leads the TVAD Research Group, and Managing Editor of the Journal of Design History. Her books include Design at Home: Domestic Advice Books in Britain and the US since 1945 (2013); Made in Italy, co-edited with Kjetil Fallan (2013), Writing Design (2011) and the Design History Reader, co-edited with Rebecca Houze (2010). She has chapters in Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers; Performance, Fashion and the Modern Interior; and Autopia and articles in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, the Journal of Design History, Modern Italy, and Women's History Review.



> Strand 1 . History of Technology

Paul Atkinson
Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Industrial designer, design historian and educator with a PhD from the University of Huddersfield. He is currently Professor of Design and Design History at Sheffield Hallam University and has had articles published in a number of international design journals. He has authored two books on the design history of computers (Computer, Reaktion 2010, and Delete: A design history of computer vapourware, Bloomsbury 2013), and contributed a number of chapters to edited books. He has also written about the future of the design profession and examined the future impact of emerging technologies on the nature of design through practice-based research into Post Industrial Manufacturing.

Vasco Branco
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

PhD in electrotechnic engineering and computers Interaction Design (1997).Associate Professor at the Communication and Art Department at University of Aveiro, Portugal, where he has been the first responsible for the development of the design programs (BSc, MSc and PhD). He is the director of ID+ (Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture) a research unit supported by University of Aveiro, University of Porto and the Portuguese Design Centre. Member of the Executive Committee of European Academy of Design and of the Editorial Advisory Board of some international magazines in the area of Design.

> Strand 2 . Materials, Techniques and Processes

Héctor Flores Magón
Universitarius Centre of Art, Architecture and Design, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Academic background: Industrial designer; Master in Product Development; PhD candidate in Political and Social Sciences. 36 years of consultant in product development and design strategies, in productive projects at rural communities, sponsored by government and international agencies. Obtained 3 national design competition awards; intellectual property of brands and equipment; a study scholarship at London College of Fashion and a research scholarship about Jalisco's furniture cultural patrimony. 34 years as Guadalajara University professor member of design research group recognize as the first one consolidated at national level. Publication of design specialized articles and papers for books and national and international forums.

Joana Quental
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Licensed in Communication Design (mainly dedicated to illustration) and Professor in Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro. In 2009 she completed her PhD in Design under the title "The illustration as a process and thinking. Authorship and interpretation". She has participated in conferences, seminars and exhibitions. Her interests in research dues to illustration as a privilege mean of communication with children. She has made a considerable contribution in this area, having been awarded with several prizes including an honourable mention in the National Competition of Children's Illustration promoted by IPLB and IBBY (1997).

> Strand 3 . Design and Technology

Lucila Fernandéz
Superior Institute of Design, Cuba

Graduated in the Art and Humanities Department at the University of Habana. Post-Graduate studies in Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Theory. Professor of University studies since 1967. Recent publications: From the Abstraction to Irony. Book, 2002. – Modernity and Post-Modernity in Cuban Design. Article in Visual Magazine, Spain; also known under the title Modernity and Post Modernity from Cuba in the Journal of Design History, Oxford University Press, 2005. – Industrial Cuban Design 1960-2000, in Latin American Design History, compilation by Silvia Fernandez and Gui Bonsiepe, Argentina, 2008. Founder, member and organizer of International Committee of Design History and Studies, from 1999 to the present.. She continues scientific-academic collaborations with Universities in Mexico, Barcelona and France.

José Bártolo
Superior School of Arts and Design, Portugal

Ph.D in Communication Sciences (UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2006), a postgraduate degree in Communication Sciences (specialization in Communication and New Technologies FCSH / UNL, 2002) and an MPhil in Philosophy, Aesthetics specialty (FCSH / UNL, 1999). He began teaching and researching in art and design fields in 1998. Currently he is Professor, Director of the Graduate Program in Curating Studies and President of Scientific Board at ESAD and Visiting Professor at FAUP and ESAD.CR. Supervised more than 50 Master and Ph.D Thesis in design and publishes regularly on design since 1998. Currently José is Editor-in-chief of Pli Magazine http://pli.esad.pt.



> Strand 1 . Design Policies

Javier Gimeno-Martinez
VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands

Assistant Professor at the VU University Amsterdam, where he runs the Design Cultures MA programme. His research explores the cultural status of design, fashion, and craft from the 1950s up to today. His articles have been published in Design Issues, Design and Culture and The Burlington Magazine among others. He has been a research fellow of the Research Foundation-Flanders (2007-2010) and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Design History (2008-2013). Along with Fredie Floré, he organized the 2010 ICDHS conference in Brussels (Belgium).

Beatriz Vidal
Designer | Design Manager and coordinator of national and international projects and actions, Lisbon, Portugal

Designer | Design Manager . Education: . Interior and Product Design – IADE ( Cum Laude) ."Design Audit" – Design Council, promoted by Centro Português de Design | CPD. Professional Experiences: From 1979 to 1991 head of the Design team at Altamira. From 1991 – Freelance activities: > Senior Consultant of Centro Português de Design | CPD on the areas of: . Design Management | Training Projects | Communication actions (Exhibitions, Seminars) | Juries | Technical Councils | Publications > Member of national and international juries > Organization and Participation in seminars and conferences > Design Manager of the project "MGlass" – Marinha Grande > Co-authorship (with Henrique Cayatte) of a text-book of Visual and Technological Education. From July 2004 to April 2012 – Executive Vice- President of Centro Português de Design | CPD: > Manager and coordinator of national and international projects and actions.

> Strand 2 . Design Activism

Priscila Farias
University of São Paulo, Brazil

A graphic designer, a professor, and a researcher. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil), and is a professor at São Paulo University School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU-USP, Brazil), where she coordinates the Visual Design Research Lab (LabVisual). She is the editor of InfoDesign – Brazilian Journal of Information Design, and has published widely on typography, graphic design and semiotics. She is the author of the books Tipografia Digital (Rio de Janeiro: 2ab) and Fontes Digitais Brasileiras (São Paulo: Rosari), and of typefaces distributed by T-26. In 2012, she organized the 8th issue of ICDHS conferences, in São Paulo (Brazil).

Raquel Pelta
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona

Historian of Design holding degrees in History and Geography and Audiovisual Communication, and a PhD from the College of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. She is a Professor at University of Barcelona. She has previously taught at the Elisava Graduate Design School in Barcelona, where she was also Head of the Humanities Department. She is founder and co-director of Monográfica magazine (www.monografica.org) and Board member of the Design History Foundation in Barcelona. Member of GRACMON, a research group linked to the Art History Department at Barcelona University investigating art, architecture and design history in the modern world.

> Strand 3 . Design Ethics

Victor Margolin
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Professor Emeritus of Design History at the University of Illinois, Chicago. He is a founding editor and now co-editor of the academic design journal Design Issues. Professor Margolin has published widely on diverse design topics and lectured at conferences, universities, and art schools in many parts of the world. Books that he has written, edited, or co-edited include Propaganda: TheArt of Persuasion, WW II, The Struggle for Utopia: Rodchenko, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy, 1917-1936, Design Discourse, Discovering Design, The Idea of Design, The Politics of the Artificial: Essays on Design and Design Studies, and Culture is Everywhere: The Museum of Corn-temporary Art. He is currently working on a World History of Design to be published by Bloomsbury in London.

Rosa Alice Branco
Superior School of Arts and Design, Portugal

Essayist, poet (with books in several countries), translator and researcher at the Institute of Design, Media and Culture of the Universities of Aveiro and Porto. She has a Ph.D. in Philosophy and is a Professor of the Theory of Perception at ESAD (Escola Superior de Artes e Design) in Porto. Her last volume of essays is The Secret Condition of the Visible: Perception of Nature and the Arts, published in Brazil in 2009. She is an active organizer of international cultural and humanitarian events and colloquia such as, "Le ravissement de l'Altérité", "The Excluded Third", "Non-places in the Urban Environment" and "Interfaces". Member of the European Academy of Design, she is also director of an upcoming Design collection.



Nuno Dias
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Graduated in Communication Design at Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. He holds a PhD in Design at University of Aveiro. He is specialist in the areas of interaction design and experience. He is a researcher of ID+ (Institute for Design, Media, and Culture) and founder of LED (Laboratory of Experience and Design). He began teaching activity in graphic design at the School of Art Technologies of Coimbra. He is currently teaching at the University of Aveiro in the field of Design and Interaction Design.

Susana Barreto
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal

Design educator and researcher. Having worked and lived in London and Macau for fifteen years, Susana is now living in Porto where she holds a position at the Faculty of Fine Arts, where she is a Deputy Course Director of the PhD in Design. Susana is also a Research Associate at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London where she gained her PhD and Postdoc. In 2012 Susana has been appointed a member of the evaluation panel of the Grants and Felowships' of design, urbanism and architecture for the National Foundation for Science and Technology.



Anna Calvera
University of Barcelona, Spain

Helena Barbosa
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Kjetil Fallan
University of Oslo, Norway



Álvaro Sousa
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Gonçalo Gomes
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Olinda Martins
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal



Agata Szydłowska
School of Form, Poznan, Poland

Alice Semedo
Faculty of Letters, University of Porto, Portugal

Alpay Er
Dept. of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Ozyeğin University, Turkey

Álvaro Sousa
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Ana Beatriz Pereira de Andrade
Design Department, FAAC, UNESP, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil

Ana María Losada Alfaro
National Autonomous University of Mexico

Anna Calvera
University of Barcelona, Spain

Ariyuki Kondo
Faculty of Letters, Ferris University, Japan

Artemis Yagou
MHMK Macromedia University for Media and Communication Munich, Germany

Bárbara Coutinho
IST and Director of the MUDE – Design and Fashion Museum, Lisbon, Portugal

Beatriz Vidal
Design Manager and coordinator of national and international projects and actions, Lisbon, Portugal

Can Ozcan
Dept.of Industrial Design, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Carlo Vinti
School of Architecture and Design, University of Camerino, Italy

Carlos Bártolo
IHA/FCSH Univ. Nova of Lisbon, and Lisbon Lusíada University, Portugal

Carlos Duarte
Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University (IADE-U), Portugal

Catherine Dixon
Central Saint Martins, United Kingdom

Clice Mazzilli
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, USP, Brazil

Conceição Lopes
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Cristina Carmelo Gomes
Departament of Architecture and Arts of University Lusíada, Lisbon, Portugal

Daniel Raposo
CIAUD Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design, Lisbon, Portugal

David Heras
University Politecnic of Valencia, Spain

Davide Fornari
SUPSI Univ. of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern, Switzerland

Denise Hagströmer
The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway

Dipti Bhagat
London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Eduardo Corte Real
Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University (IADE-U), Portugal

Emanuela Bonini
Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy

Ethel Leon
Faculty of Campinas, Brazil

Fátima Pombo
University of Leuven, Belgium

Fernando Moreira da Silva
Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Fiona Hackney
University of Falmouth, United Kingdom

Francisco Providência
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Francisco Tiago Paiva
University of Beira Interior, Labcom, Covilhã, Portugal

Fredie Floré
VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands and Ghent University, Belgium

Gonçalo Gomes
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Graça Magalhães
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Grace-Lees Maffei
University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Gulay Hasdogan
Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Guy Julier
Victoria Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom

Hakan Ertep
Department of Visual Communication Design, Yaşar University, İzmir, Turkey

Haruhiko Fujita
Osaka University, Japan

Héctor Flores Magón
Universitarius Centre of Art, Architecture and Design, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Heitor Alvelos
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal

Helena Barbosa
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Helena Souto
Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University (IADE-U), Portugal

Henrique Cayatte
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Irini Pitsaki
Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Isabel Campi
Design History Foundation, Barcelona, Spain

Jaime Francisco Gómez
Universitarius Centre of Art, Architecture and Design, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Jane Pavitt
Royal College of Arts, London, United Kingdom

Javier Gimeno-Martinez
VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands

Joana Quental
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Joana Santos
Superior School of Arts and Design, Portugal

João Mota
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

João Paulo Martins
Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Jonathan Woodham
University of Brighton, United Kingdom

José Bártolo
Superior School of Arts and Design, Portugal

José João de Freitas
Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University (IADE-U), Portugal

Julio Frías
Higher Education Institute of Technology, Monterrey, Mexico

Kıvanc Kılınc
Yasar University, Turkey

Kjetil Fallan
University of Oslo, Norway

Krista Kodres
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia

Laura Cesio
Institute of History of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of the Republic, Uruguay

Lucila Fernandéz
Superior Institute of Design, Cuba

Luis Rodriguez Morales
Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico

Marco Ginoulhiac
Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal

Maria Ferrand
Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

María González de Cossio
Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico

Maria João Baltazar
Superior School of Arts and Design, Portugal

Mireia Freixa
Department of Art History of University of Barcelona, Spain

Miriam Reis
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Mónica Farkas
Faculty of Architecture – Universty of República, Montevideo, Uruguay

Nuno Dias
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Oscar Salinas
National University of Mexico, Mexico

Ozlem Er
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Paul Atkinson
Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

Paul Jobling
University of Brighton, United Kingdom

Paula Tavares
Institute and Politecnic of Cavado and Ave, Portugal

Paulo Maldonado
Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Lusíada University of Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Carvalho de Almeida
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Pekka Korvenmaa
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland

Priscila Farias
University of São Paulo, Brazil

Raimonda Riccini
Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy

Raquel Pelta
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona, Spain

Raul Cunca
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Rosa Alice Branco
Superior School of Arts and Design, Portugal

Rosa Oliveira
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Rui Mendonça
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal

Rui Roda
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Sarah Teasley
Royal College of Arts, London, United Kingdom

Sebnem Timur
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Sinan Niyazioglu
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Graphic Design, Istanbul, Turkey

Şölen Kipöz
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Susana Barreto
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal

Susana Gonzaga
University of Madeira, Portugal

Teresa Franqueira
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Tevfik Balcioglu
Yasar University, Turkey

Vasco Branco
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Verónica Devalle
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Victor Margolin
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Viviana Narotzky
President of ADI-FAD, the Industrial Design Association of Barcelona, Spain

Wendy Wong
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia

Zoltán Somhegyi
Izmir University, Turkey

Zuhal Ulusay
Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey



Afonso Paiva
Ana Rita Nicolau
Beatriz Marfins
Filipa Soares
Filipa Vieira
Francisco Seisdedos
Gonçalo Ferreira
Igor Ramos
Inês Seixas
Joana Sardinha
Maragrida Olo
Matilde Horta
Paulo Panuzzo
Raquel Ribeiro
Rita Pais
Stefanie Costa