Research into Financial and Uncertainty Analysis |
IAFI (Investigació en Anàlisi
Financera i de la Incertesa) is a reseach group which belongs to Department
of Actuarial, Financial, and Economical Mathematics and Actuarial of
the University of Barcelona, whose main activity is oriented to the investigation.
Their activities can be agglutinated in three large blocks:
The nucleus of IAFI is formed by
doctors and researchers who
form part of the Department of Actuarial,
Financial, Economical Mathematics, with a contribution, that goes
becoming permanent, of doctors and professors of other studies and universities,
of researchers in formation, and of professionals linked al financial
and economic environment.
With this great number of researchers IAFI covers six research lines:
Contact with us in: Grup de Recerca IAFI Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Departament de Matemàtica Econòmica, Financera i Actuarial Universitat de Barcelona Avda. Diagonal 690 08034 Barcelona Spain Tfn: +34 93 402 19 53 Fax: +34 93 403 48 92 iafi@ub.edu City map |
Comments: iafi@ub.edu |