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Logo Universitat de Barcelona Centre d´Estudis Jordi Nadal d'Història Econòmica
Consolidated Research Group in Economic History and Development (Industry, Business and Sustainability)
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Imatge de diagramació
Universitat de Barcelona
Departament d'Història Econòmica, Institucions, Política i Economia Mundial

Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
Edifici Principal, Torre 2 - 4a planta
Av. Diagonal, 690 - 08034 Barcelona
Tel: 934 021 929/Fax: 934 024 594

Recent Publications

  • Pedro Lains (general editor), Leonor Freire Costa, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla, Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, editors. 2023. An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University press. ISBN: 978-1-108-48832-7.
    Aigua de Rigat...
  • Miquel Gutiérrez-Poch. 2023. Aigua de Rigat (1923-2023). Aigua i progrés, Igualada-Lleida: Aigua de Rigat SA-Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida. ISBN: 978-84-9144-462-6. Aigua de Rigat...
  • José Miguel Sanjuán-Marroquín i Martín Rodrigo-Alharilla. 2023. "'No commercial activity leaves greater benefit': The profitability of the Cuban-based slave trade during the first half of the nineteenth century", Economic 0History Review. Publicat en línia prèvia inclusió en un proper número.
  • Javier San Julián. 2023. "Sobre la libertad del comercio de granos entre la Ilustración y el liberalismo. José María de Zuaznavar y el caso de Navarra (1817-1818)", Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 33, p. 313-346.
  • Jordi Nadal Oller: maestro, profesor, investigador (1929-2020). Población y economía en la historia de España, ecited by David S. Reher and Carles Sudrià, with support of the Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal.

    Jordi Nadal Oller...
  • Pere Pascual i Domènech, Gemma Estrada i Planell, Josep Riba i Gabarró, Carme Ferreras i Dalmau (2022), El Rec d'Igualada. Un estudi socioeconòmic sobre la formació i el desenvolupament d'un barri industrial, Igualada: Centre d'Estudis Comarcals d'Igualada.

    El Rec d'Igualada...
  • José Alejandro Peres-Cajías,Lupe Cajías (2022), Cámara Nacional de Industrias, 90 años de historia, La Paz: Cámara Nacional de Industrias (Bolivia).

    Cámara Nacional de Industrias...
  • Raimon Soler-Becerro (2022), Els sindicats de Moja. El moviment rabassaire i els orígens del Celler Cooperatiu, 1891-1936, Olèrdola: Ateneu Mogenc-Ajuntament d'Olèrdola.

    Els sindicats de Moja...


  • Economic History Seminar

    Marco Doria (Università di Genova)

    Deindustrialization and relative economic decline of Italy, 1973-2023

    Presentation (pdf)

    Nota: A més, el professor Doria s'ofereix, molt gentilment, a tenir una conversa informal amb els investigadors del Departament que ho desitgin. Com a la seva condició d'historiador econòmic uneix la d'ex-alcalde de Gènova, hi ha la possibilitat de discutir sobre la transformació de la capital de la Ligúria a llarg termini; els canvis de la política italiana des dels anys noranta; o el debat sobre el feixisme i l'antifeixisme a la història italiana des de 1945. Els interessats ens trobarem a la Sala de Reunions Aula 2431 de 10 a 12 hores del mateix dimecres dia 12.

    Day: 11 June 2024
    Hour: 14:00
    Venue: ERE Seminars Room 1037, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona

  • International Macro History Online Seminar

    Osama M. Khawar (University of Florida), Gustavo Cortes (University of Florida) and Marc Weidenmier (Chapman University).

    The Glass- Steagall Act and Bank Stock Market Speculation

    Chair: Carola Frydman (Northwestern University)

    Day: 8 Maig 2024
    Hour: 17:00
    Registration: In this link. You only need to register once for the entire series.

  • Economic History Seminar

    Manuel A. Bautista-González (University of Oxford)

    Correspondent Banking Networks in Mexico from the First Economic Globalization through the Early Bretton Woods Era: Three Case Studies (1895-1956)

    Day: 24 April 2024
    Hour: 14:00
    Venue: ERE Seminars Room 1037, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona

  • Los retos de la Historia Rural de América Latina. Transcendiendo temporalidades, espacios y fronteras

    Ciudad de México | 24-27 June 2024

    Call for Papers: 1 December 2023 - 1 February 2024 Historia Rural de América Latina

  • Book Presentation: Aigua de Rigat (1923-2023). Aigua i progrés

    The presentation will be given by Marta Vives, director of the Arxiu Comarcal d'Igualada and the author of the book, Miquel Gutiérrez-Poch.

    Please confirm attendance to Montserrat Castells ( or to Blanca Esquirol (

    Day: 12 December 2023
    Hour: 19:30
    Venue: Arxiu Comarcal de l'Anoia (Plaça del Rei, 15), Igualada

  • Pere Pascual (1945-2023): història local, història total

    Lecture on Pere Pascual and his main historiographical milestones. Participants: Jordi Catalan (UB) and Josep Colomé (UB). Chair: Miquel Gutiérrez-Poch (UB). Presentation: Xavier Barberà (CECI).

    Pere Pascual (1945-2023)

    Organizers: CECI and Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal (Universitat de Barcelona)

    Day: 21 November 2023
    Hour: 19:00
    Venue: Biblioteca Central d'Igualada



  • 17 June 2024

    Issue 89 of the Revista Econòmica de Catalunya honors Dr. Jordi Nadal. Coordinated by Albert Carreras, Jordi Catalan, Álex Sánchez, Carles Sudrià, Èric Gómez i Aznar, Julio Martínez Galarraga and Enric Tello, participates, among others. You can check the full issue at this link. Les arrels de l'economia catalan...
  • 17 de juny de 2024

    Paloma Fernández Pérez has published, as editor, the book Business History of Hospitals in the 20th Century. Entrepreneurship, Organization, edited by Springer (Cham).

    He also has a chapter with Mauricio Matus, entitled "Hospital Systems in Latin America: Transformation and Change, 1960s-2020s" (pp. 163-176).

    You can consult the table of contents at this link.
  • 19 April de 2024

    Ángel Calvo participates in the program "Matilde cumple cien años. El siglo de la Telefónica", broadcast by the Documentos RNE space of Radio Nacional de España. You can listen to the documentary at this link.
  • 18 April de 2024

    Miquel Gutiérrez-Poch participates with the conference "'Here there are paper mills at every step'. The genesis and development of the paper manufacture of Anoia in the 18th century" in the presentation of the bases of the Gumersind Bisbal Prize for Historical Research, at the Ateneu Gumersind Bisbal of la Pobla de Claramunt.
  • 12 April de 2024

    On the occasion of the centenary of the Granadella Cooperative, the Consell Comarcal de les Garrigues has given all the libraries in the county a copy of the book Oli d'oliva i cooperativisme a la Catalunya de Ponent. La Cooperativa la Granadella (1920-2022), by Ramon Ramon-Muñoz.
  • 11 April de 2024

    The newspaper Segre, echoes the presentation of Ramon Ramon-Muñoz's book Oli d'oliva i cooperativisme a la Catalunya de Ponent. La cooperativa de la Granadella (1920-2022), which took place on April 10 in the Boardroom of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lleida. In addition, the newspaper highlights Ramon Ramon-Muñoz in its "L'ascensor" section.
  • 3 April de 2024

    Enric Tello and Ana Moragues participate in the conference "Farming Crisis: Profitability and Sustainability", organized by the Global Sustainability Hub of the University of Barcelona. You can see the interventions on the conference in this link.
  • 15 March 2024

    Edited book - Pedro Lains (general editor), Leonor Freire Costa, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla, Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, editors. 2023. An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University press. ISBN: 978-1-108-48832-7.
  • 15 March 2024

    Book chapter - Freire Costa, Leonor, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla and Herminia Vasconcelos Vila. 2024. "Introduction". In An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000, edited by Pedro Lains, Leonor Freire Costa, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla and Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, 1-21. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-108-48832-7.
  • 15 March 2024

    Book chapter - Herranz-Loncán, Alfonso, M. Teresa Sanchis-Llopis and Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat. 2024. "Economic Growth and the Spatial Distribution of Income, 1800-2000". In An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000, edited by Pedro Lains, Leonor Freire Costa, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla and Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, 473-495. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-108-48832-7.
  • 15 March 2024

    Book chapter - Díez-Minguela, Alfonso, Jordi Guilera and Julio Martinez-Galarraga. 2024. "Living Standards in Iberia, 1800-2010". In An Economic History of te Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000, edited by Pedro Lains, Leonor Freire Costa, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla and Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, 592-516. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-108-48832-7.
  • 7 March 2024

    Book chapter - Jia-Zheng, Yuan, Patrícia García-Duran, Carles Brasó Broggi, and Paloma Fernández-Pérez. 2023. "From Car Makers to Commanders of the Global Electric Vehicle Industry". A Emerging Market Multinationals Report 2023. Risks & Realignments, editat per Lourdes Casanova i Anne Miroux, 80-91. Ithaca: Emerging Markets Institute-Cornell University. ISBN: 13: 978-1-7328042-6-5.
  • 27 February 2024

    Álex Sánchez is one of the members of the advisory team for the new Born Center for Culture and Memory project, which is integrated into the equipment network of the Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA). The site of the old Born market begins a new stage to tell from the early modern history of the city to the strength of Barcelona during the s. XIX, which culminated with the Universal Exhibition of 1888. Álex Sánchez is joined in this advisory team by other members of the University of Barcelona such as Agustí Alcoberro, Mariela Fargas, Mireia Freixa, Mercè Renom or Jordi Roca Vernet.
  • 7 February 2024

    Ángel Calvo publish the book Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en España (Ediciones Complutense, Madrid, 2024). Las tecnologías d ela información...
  • 5 February 2024

    Jordi Catalan, interviewed at COPE Catalonia and Andorra to talk about the 25 years since the entry into force of the euro. You can listen to it this link (from the minute 22:25).
  • 2 February 2024

    The book Jordi Nadal Oller: maestro, profesor, investigador (1929-2020). Población y economía en la historia de España , edited by David S. Reher and Carles Sudrià, with the support of the Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal, is avialable online in this link. Jordi Nadal Oller...
  • December 16, 2023

    A bibliometric study places Enric Tello as the fourth most cited author in methods to evaluate the adoption of agroecology, and Roc Padró in tenth position. The study is entitled "Bibliometric Analysis of the State of Research on Agroecology Adoption and Methods Used for Its Assessment" by Théodore Nikiema, Eugène C. Ezin and Silvain Kpenavoun Chogou and has been published in Sustainability 15(21). Enric Tello is a professor in the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy and a member of the Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal and the Food Action and Research Observatory (FARO). Roc Padró was a doctoral student in the Economic History program.
  • November 8, 2023

    A new article is published: Enric Tello et al. 2023. "Assessing the energy trap of industrial agriculture in North America and Europe: 82 balances from 1830 to 2012", Agronomy for Sustainable Development , 43, 75. 43, 75 (2023).
  • 3 November 2023

    Lluïsa Pla presents the second edition in Catalan of her book Els Girona. La gran burgesia catalana del segle XIX, in an event in the Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida, which has the presence of the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Pere Aragonès. You can see the event at this link. Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal

    Foto: Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs

  • 11 de juliol 2023

    Èric Gómez i Aznar wins Beca Postdoctoral Irla 2023-2024. The Irla Postdoctoral Scholarship for Social Analysis and Thought for the 2023-2024 academic year has been awarded to Dr. Èric Gómez and Aznar for their project «Migracions i capital humà de l'Europa de l'Antic Règim a la gènesi dels nivells d'alfabetització de Catalunya». This study will be developed at the Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal d'Història Econòmica de la UB, directed by Dr. Jordi Catalan Vidal. Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal

  • 21 July 2022

    On May 13, 2022, the Governing Council of the UB has agreed to accept the request to change the name of the Center, which will be called the Jordi Nadal Center for Economic History Studies, in recognition of the figure of master Jordi Nadal in the development and consolidation of Economic History at the University of Barcelona. Likewise, on June 15, Jordi Catalan was appointed the new director of the Jordi Nadal Study Center Observatory, replacing Alfonso Herranz, to whom we must thank for his dedication to the Center during the time he was there in front. Centre d'Estudis Jordi Nadal

© Universitat de Barcelona
Edition: Centre d'Estudis Antoni de Capamany (University of Barcelona)