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Logo Universitat de Barcelona Report on the Academic Year 2009-2010 Imatge de diagramació
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Public events hosted at the Historic Building Imatge de diagramació
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Events listed by months: September 2009 to July 2010





·           7 to 10 September, Aula Magna and Paranymph: Congrés 11 Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms and the meeting of the FLASH project. Event hosted by: Department of Astronomy and Meteorology.

·        18 September, Aula Ramón y Cajal: Talk on "La Construcció de la imatge del déu en la tragèdia". Event hosted by: Faculty of Greek.

·        30 September, Aula Magna: Inaugural address for the academic year 2009-2010. Event hosted by: Faculty of Mathematics.

·        30 September, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.



·          1 October, sala Ramón y Cajal: Reunió: 6th Communia Workshop on Public Domain and Memory Institutions Barcelona 2009. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and European Convergence.

·        1 October, Aula Magna: McDermott Conference. Event hosted by: Department of English and German.

·        2 October, Aula Magna: Communia Workshop Public Domain and Memory Institutions Barcelona 2009. Event hosted by: Communia.

·        8 October, Paranymph: AUGG Inaugural address. Event hosted by: AUGG.

·       13 October, Arts Quadrangle: Inauguration of the exhibition "De la Revolució Pacífica a la Unificació Alemanya ". Event hosted by: Department of English and German.   

·       19 October, sala Ramón y Cajal: Book presentation: "Llegint pedres escrivint ciutats". Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Relations.

·       19 October, Aula Magna: Inauguration of the university master's degree course Women, Gender and Citizenship . Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Policy.

·       19 October, Paranymph and Lobby: Welcome ceremony for university halls of residence . Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Students.

·        21 to 23 October, Aula Magna: II International Portuguese and Spanish Congress on Francophone Studies (CLEEF02). Event hosted by: Department of Romance Languages, Faculty of Philology.

·        23 October, Aula Magna:Talks for 2009 - Dinàmica de les llengües II: Amèrica. Event hosted by: Department of Linguistics.

·        26 October, Chapel: Conference on the occasion of the exhibition “La qüestió de l’aigua”. Event hosted by: UB Solidarity Foundation.

·        28 October, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·        30 October, Chapel: Cum Laude prize-giving ceremony. Event hosted by: Department of Semitic Languages.

·        30 October: Aula Magna and Sciences Quadrangle: Free Culture Forum . Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching


·        3 November, Aula Magna: International Preconference on Climate Justice. Event hosted by: Ecologists in Action.

·        5 November, Aula Magna: Conversation with the journalist and writer Quim Monzó. Event hosted by: Department of Catalan, Faculty of Philology

·        6 November, Aula Magna: Talks: Dinàmica de les llengües III: Àfrica. Event hosted by: Department of Linguistics,

·        6 November, Paranymph: Clausura Congrés Internacional Maquiavel a Espanya, Espanya a Maquiavel. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Relations.

·        11 November, Aula Magna: L'exili republicà de 1939: la memòria universitària. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Relations.

·        12 November, Paranymph: Welcome ceremony for international students. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Relations.

·        16 to 23 November, sala Ramón y Cajal: Puppet show on "L'origen de la vida a la Terra and l'evolució dels éssers vius". Event hosted by: Science Culture (UB Communication)

·        18 and 25 November, Aula Magna: Workshop discussions. Event hosted by: Faculty of Mathematics.

·        18 November, Aula Magna: Interview with Eugènia Balcells. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·        19 November, ParanymphStudent graduation ceremony for students of ESCAC. Event hosted by: ESCAC.

·        20 November, Aula Magna: Talk on "La revitalització de les llengües amenaçades". Event hosted by: Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology

·        24 November, Paranymph: Graduation ceremony. Event hosted by: Faculty of Mathematics.

·        25 November, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·        26 and 27 November, Aula Magna, Paranymph Gallery, Sciences Quadrangle: Conference on Modelling. Event hosted by: Faculty of Pharmacy.


·           2 December, Aula Magna: III Carles Riba Symposium. Event hosted by: Department of Greek.

·        3 December, Aula Magna: Board of Trustees and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Prize-giving ceremony. Event hosted by: Board of Trustees.

·        7 to 10 December, Aula Magna and Sciences Quadrangle: II International Seminar on City, Urban Commerce and Consumption. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Relations / Faculty of Mathematics.

·        10 December, Aula Magna and Galeria de Paranymph: Presentation of the new UB website. Event hosted by: Rector's Office.

·        11 December, Paranymph: Inauguration of the year's courses, IL3. Event hosted by: IL3.

·        14 December, Aula Magna: UB Seventeenth Round of Talks on Language. Event hosted by: Department of Catalan.

·        14 December, Aula Magna: Award of medals and diplomas for Distinction in Sport. Event hosted by: UB Sports / Office of the Vice-Rector for Students.

·        16 December, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·        17 December, Aula Magna: Conference on Sustainability . Event hosted by: Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability.

·        17 December, Aula Magna: Inauguration of the university master's degree course Teacher Training. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and European Convergence.

·        18 December, Paranymph: Student graduation ceremony for students in the master's degree in Orthodontics. Event hosted by: Department of Odontostomatology.

·        18 December, Aula Magna: Homage to the UB administrative and service staff body. Event hosted by: Rector's Office.

·        18 December, Aula magna: Conferència: Tradició and actualitat del Sanscrit a l'India and arreu del món. Conferència a càrrec de la Dra. Elena Sierra. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage


·          12 to 15 January, Sala Ramón y Cajal: International Workshop on the Anthropology of Responsibility. Event hosted by: GER / Department of Cultural Anthropology .

·       20 and 27 January, Aula Magna: Workshop discussions. Event hosted by: Faculty of Mathematics

·       25 January, Aula Magna: Presentation of the Virtual Museum. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·       25 January, Aula Magna: Conference series on Greek and Latin for upper secondary school students. Event hosted by: Department of Latin.

·       27 January, Aula Magna: Book presentation: "Xavier Vinader and Sánchez: periodisme and compromís". Event hosted by: CEHI.

·       28 and 29 January, Paranymph and Sala Ramón y Cajal: Taller 2010: L'avaluació de la recerca en Humanitats and Ciències Socials. Event hosted by: AQU.

·       29 January, Aula Magna and Sciences Quadrangle: VIII National Conference of Deans of Arts 2010. Event hosted by: Faculty of Philology.



·           1 to 5 February, Aula Magna: Conference on "Food for Thought". Event hosted by: Institute of Australian Studies.

·       1 February, Paranymph: the Northeast Normal University. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Relations.

·       4 February, Paranymph: Inauguration of the International Convention on Physical Education. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Science Policy.

·       10 February, Aula Magna: Talk by Jaime Arocha. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·       16 February, Aula Magna: Talk by Dr. Darío Villanueva Prieto on "El futuro de la Literatura Comparada ". Event hosted by: Faculty of Philology.

·       17 February, Aula Magna: Talk on Russian Folklore and Music by Marina Sayfúllina. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·       23 February, Aula Magna: Talk by Azar Nafisi. Event hosted by: Centre for Women and Literature, Faculty of Philology

·       24 February, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·       25 February, Aula Magna: Book presentation: “Història de la Universitat de Barcelona”. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Information and Communication.


·        3 to 5 March, Aula Magna: Conference on Repositories . Event hosted by: Office of the Rector's Delegate for Information and Documentation Systems.

·       5 March, Paranymph: Student graduation ceremony for students at the University School of Nursing. Event hosted by: University School of Nursing.

·       17 March, Aula Magna: Conferences on Russian Music, Folklore and Pianists. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·       23 March, Aula Magna: Book presentation: "La festa dels Sentits", Sr. Sebastià Serrano. Event hosted by: University of Barcelona and Ara Books.

·       24 and 25 March, Aula Magna: University Debating League. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Students and Language Policy.

·      24 March, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.



·         8 and 9 April, Aula Magna, Gardens and Sciences Quadrangle: GEA - Interim Conference 2010: Gender and Education. Diversity of Voices. Event hosted by: Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of the Social Sciences.

·      12 April, Aula Magna: Book presentation: "Sferificaciones y Macarrones, la ciencia en la cocina tradicional and moderna". Event hosted by: University of Barcelona and Editorial Ariel.

·      13 April, Aula Magna: International Travel Seminar on Modern Dimensions of the European Education and Research Area. Event hosted by: State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT), Sofia, Bulgaria / Office of the Vice-Rector for International Relations.

·      14 April, Aula Magna: Conferences on Russian Folkore and Music; Homage to Tchaikovsky as promoted by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research / AGAUR. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      15 April, Paranymph: Ramón Romaní Concert. Event hosted by: Faculty of Biology.

·      20 April, Paranymph: Student graduation ceremony for students at the Faculty of Psychology. Event hosted by: Faculty of Psychology.

·      21 April, Paranymph: Spring Concert. Event hosted by: Faculty of Mathematics.

·      21 April, Aula Magna: UB Alumni presentation. Event hosted by: UB Alumni.

·      21 April, Aula Magna: The talk " I si el meu alumne pren drogues? (Open days between the UB and the Home Project). Event hosted by: Student Support Services / Office of the Vic-Rector for Students.

·      22 April, Aula Magna: I Seminar on Internationalization of the University of Barcelona . Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for  International Relations.

·      22 April, Gardens of the Historic Building: Poetry Reading. Event hosted by: Sindicat d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans.

·      23 April, Aula Magna: Prize-giving ceremony for the competition Carpeta UB 2010. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Students.

·      27 April, Aula Magna, Aula Ramón y Cajal and Sciences Quadrangle: INCLUD-ED Project. Event hosted by: CREA / University of Barcelona / Barcelona Science Park.

·      28 April, Aula Magna: Matefest-Infofest. Event hosted by: Faculty of Mathematics.

·      28 April, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      29 April, Aula Magna: Talk by Borja Vilaseca, author of the book "El principito se pone la corbata". Event hosted by: UB Alumni.


·      6 May, Aula Magna and Paranymph: Conference on the Victimology of Development : Research, Intervention and Legal Protection of Minors. Event hosted by:  Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment .

·      7 May, Aula Magna: Conference on the Home Project. Event hosted by: Home Project and Office of the Vice-Rector for Students

·      8 May, Aula Magna: The Competition"Puente Chino". Event hosted by: School of Modern Languages.

·      11 to 13 May, Gardens: III Festival of Classical Music in the Gardens . Event hosted by: Dean of the Faculty of Philology.

·      11 May, Chapel: Closing ceremony for the university master's degree Construction and Representation of Cultural Identity . Event hosted by: University Master Coordination Team.

·      13 May, Chapel: Book presentation: "El riesgo de la utopía: Memoria de María José Sirera Oliag". Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      15 May, Paranymph: XIII Series of University Concerts and Choir Performances and the Edith Stein Award for essays in Bible Analysis . Event hosted by: SAFOR - Delegació Pastoral Universitària.

·      17 and 18 May, Aula Magna: International Seminar on Iberoamerican Education Policy. Event hosted by: Department of Teaching and Learning and Educational Organization.

·      18 May, Gardens: XVI Conferences on Poetry and Mixed Heritage and Descent . Event hosted by: Aula de Poesia of Barcelona and Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage

·      19 May, Aula Magna: Talks by Marina Sayfúllina on Russian Folklore and Music. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      21 May, sala Ramón y Cajal: Roundtable on Greek Literature and its Readers. Event hosted by: Department of Greek.

·      21 May, Paranymph: Student graduation ceremony for the UB Midwifery Teaching Unit. Event hosted by: UB Midwifery Teaching Unit.

·      21 May, Paranymph: Prize-giving ceremony for the International Linguapax Prize 2010. Event hosted by: UNESCO Catalonia / Office of the Vice-Rector for Students

·      21 and 28 May, Aula Magna: Talk on Sanskrit. Event hosted by: Dr. Elena Sierra.

·      26 May, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by:  Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      27 May, Aula 0.1, Filologia: Inauguration of the Second International Seminar on Adages in Folklore Weather Forecasting . Event hosted by: Department of Romance Languages, Faculty of Philology

·      27 May, Sala de Juntes: Presentation and Signing of the HUBc Protocol. Event hosted by: Rector's Office.

·      27 and 28 May, Paranymph: Congress: Framing a Competitive Future; the Creative and Knowledge Economy in European Cities - ACRE. Event hosted by: Department of Economic Theory.

·      27 May, Sala de Juntes: Prize-giving ceremony for the V Research on Peace Prize . Event hosted by: UB Solidarity Foundation.


·      1 June, Chapel: Talk on "Compartint Mirades: Perspectives germanes-hispanes al voltant d'Auschwitz". Event hosted by: Department of English and Catalan.

·      2 June, Paranymph and Aula Magna: Congress: Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations. Event hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics and Analysis.

·      3 and 4 June, Aula Magna: Roundtable on Language and Complexity . Event hosted by: Department of Catalan.

·      3 June, Paranymph: Closure of the UB program University Extension Courses for Senior Citizens. Event hosted by: University Extension Courses for Senior Citizens.

·      3 and 11 June, Gardens: Encuentro Akademeia. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage. ·      4 June, Aula Magna: Talks on Sanskrit. Event hosted by:  Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      4 June, Paranymph: farewell ceremony for graduates of the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Event hosted by: Faculty of Library and Information Science.

·      7, 14, 21 and 28 June, Paranymph: Talks on the occasion of the Year for Kurosawa. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.

·      9 June, Paranymph: Student graduation ceremony for students at the School of Public Relations and Graduates of the VI cohort of llicenciatura degree studies in Advertising and Public Relations. Event hosted by: School of Public Relations.

·       12 and 13 June, Sciences Quadrangle: BioBlitzBCN, Open day on naturalist research . Event hosted by: Grup Recerca de Criptogàmia.·      15 June, Paranymph: Graduation ceremony for students in EHEA bachelor's degree studies in Tourism at the CETT School of Hotel Management and Tourism CETT. Event hosted by: CETT.·      16 June, Aula Magna: Presentation of Talència at the University of Barcelona . Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research.·      16 June, Aula Magna: Film screening. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.·      17 June, Chapel: Roundtable of University rectors on the occasion of the V Meeting of University Rectors. Event hosted by: Delegació Pastoral Universitària.·      17 June, Aula Magna: Plenary closing lecture by Dr. Solà, for the university master's degreeAvanced abd Applied Studies in Catalan language and Literature. Event hosted by: Department of Catalan.·      18 June, Paranymph and Aula Magna: Taking of the Hippocratic Oath. Event hosted by: Faculty of Medicine.·      29 June, Paranymph: Graduation ceremony for students of English . Event hosted by: Faculty of Philology.


·      1 July, Paranymph: Closing ceremony for students completing degree studies in Podiatry. Event hosted by: Department of Podiatry.·      2 July, Paranymph: Graduation ceremony for students in the 2005-2010 cohort, Faculty of Dentistry. Event hosted by: Faculty of Dentistry.·      2 July, Paranymph: Graduation ceremony for students completing degree studies in Spanish . Event hosted by: Faculty of Spanish.·      9 July, Gardens: Encuentro Akademeia - David Bestué and Marc Vives. Event hosted by: Office of the Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage.·      9 July, Paranymph: Taking of the Hippocratic Oath, students of 2005-2010. Event hosted by: Faculty of Pharmacy.·      15 July, Paranymph: International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics and Management (MS'2010). Event hosted by: AMSE Association / Department of Economics and Organization.·      15 July, Paranymph: Closing ceremonies for master's degree studies completed at IL3+COEIC. Event hosted by: IL3.

·      16 July, Paranymph: 2ª Edition of the UB Summer School: "Gestió de la Creativitat en la Societat de la Innovació ". Event hosted by: Chair in Entrepreneurship.

·      26 to 30 July, Paranymph, Aula Magna and Aula Ramón y Cajal: 56th International Congress of Assyriology. Event hosted by:  Department of Semitic Languages.

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Edition: Planning and Analysis