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Logo Universitat de Barcelona Report on the Academic Year 2009-2010 Imatge de diagramació
    Research and technology and knowledge transfer Contents UB Imatge de diagramació
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Personnel in research and development Imatge de diagramació
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Doctoral thesessubmitted by department





Algebra and Geometry - 1 1
Pathological Anatomy, Pharmacology and Microbiology - 1 1
Cultural Anthropology and the History of America and Africa 8 2 10
Astronomy and Meteorology 1 3 4
Library and Information Science 2 - 2
Animal Biology 3 11 14
Cell Biology 3 - 3
Cell Biology, Immunology and Neurosciences  11 1 12
Plant Biology 3 2 5
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Biology) 11 7 18
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Pharmacy) 10 6 16
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering 1 2 3
Clinical Sciences 3 2 5
Physiological Sciences I 2 - 2
Physiological Sciences II 5 2 7
Ciències Morfològiques i Odontostomatologia - 1 1
Surgery and Surgical Specializations 2 3 5
Crystallography, Mineralogy and Mineral Deposits - 1 1
Drawing 4 3 7
Teacher Training in Language and Literature 3 3 6
Teacher Training in Visual and Plastic Arts 3 - 3
Teacher Training in Experimental Sciences and Mathematics 2 1 3
Teacher Training in Social Sciences 2 2 4
Teacher Training in Education in Music and Physical Theatre 1 2 3
Teacher Training in Educational Organization 3 2 5
Design and Image 1 1 2
Administrative Law and Procedural Law    2 1 3
Civil Law - 2 2
Constitutional Law and Political Science 1 - 1
International Law and Economics 2 4 6
Ecology 4 3 7
Econometrics, Statistics and Spanish Economy - 1 1
Economics and Business Organization 1 1 2
Electronics 1 4 5
Chemical Engineering 2 1 3
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering 1 2 3
Sculpture - 1 1
Statistics 2 - 2
Stratigraphy, Paleontology and Marine Geosciences 2 - 2
Structure and Constituents of Matter 1 8 9
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology 4 2 6
Pharmacology and Therapeutic Chemistry 6 2 8
English and German 6 3 9
Catalan 1 2 3
Spanish 3 3 6
Latin - 1 1
Romance Languages 1 - 1
Semitics Languages - 1 1
Theoretical and Practical Philosophy - 3 3
Applied Physics and Optics - 3 3
Fundamental Physics 1 2 3
Physicochemistry 2 - 2
Physiology (Biology) 13 4 17
Genetics 12 7 19
Geodynamics and Geophysics 1 2 3
Physical Geography and Regional Geographical Analysis 3 5 8
Human Geography - 3 3
Geochemistry, Petrology and Geological Prospecting - 2 2
Contemporary History 1 3 4
History of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy 3 7 10
History of Art 8 4 12
Economic History and Institutions - 1 1
Medieval History, Paleography and Diplomatics 1 - 1
Modern History - 1 1
General Linguistics 1 3 4
Logic, History and the Philosophy of Science - 2 2
Applied Mathematics and Analysis 1 - 1
Mathematics for Economics, Finance and Actuarial Sciences - 1 1
Medicine 5 5 10
Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education 2 2 4
Methodology of the Behavioural Sciences 1 3 4
Microbiology 4 - 4
Microbiology and Parasitology in Health 1 1 2
Nutrition and Bromatology 1 2 3
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics and Radiology and Anatomy 7 3 10
Odonto-Stomatology 2 4 6
Pathology and Experimental Therapy 4 4 8
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment 2 2 4
Painting 2 1 3
Economic Policy and World Economic Structure - 1 1
Probability, Logic and Statistics - 2 2
Natural Products, Plant Biology and Soil Science 3 1 4
Basic Psychology 1 3 4
Developmental and Educational Psychology - 1 1
Social Psychology 1 3 4
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology - 2 2
Analytical Chemistry 5 3 8
Physical Chemistry 3 3 6
Inorganic Chemistry - 3 3
Organic Chemistry 6 10 16
Public Health 1 1 2
Economic Theory - 1 1
Theory and History of Education 6 8 14
Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of the Social Sciences 1 3 4
Without departament (EHEA theses - provisional) 39 34 73
Total 268 260 528
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  © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: SPA