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Logo Universitat de Barcelona Report on the Academic Year 2009-2010 Imatge de diagramació
    Research and technology and knowledge transfer Contents UB Imatge de diagramació
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Research, projects and contracts Imatge de diagramació
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International research projects and amounts obtained in the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7)


Specific Programmes under FP7 and their thematic priorities

Number of projects

Amount obtained (€)

Capacities (promoting "Regions of Knowledge" and enhancing research infrastructures) 1 99,709.19
Cooperation: Environment (including climate change) 4 961,223.64
Cooperation: Health 1 147,520.00
Cooperation: Information and Communication Technologies 2 1,180,941.50
Cooperation: Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Biotechnolgy 1 215,628.68
Cooperation: Energy 2 808,072.00
Cooperation: Joint Technology Initiative, Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new production technologies 1 535,836.00
Ideas (promoting "frontier-of-knowledge" research managed by the European Research Council) 3 3,580,945.00
People: Marie Curie actions (fellowships for training, mobility and career development of European researchers) 6 879,044.06
Total 21 8,408,920.07


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  © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: Planning and Analysis