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Logo Universitat de Barcelona Report on the Academic Year 2009-2010 Imatge de diagramació
    UB Group senior personnel Contents UB Imatge de diagramació
Imatge de diagramació
UB Group senior personnel Imatge de diagramació
Imatge de diagramació Imatge de diagramació
Imatge de diagramació Imatge de diagramació Imatge de diagramació
Imatge de diagramació  

Imatge de diagramació

Imatge de diagramació

Executive Council


Dr. Dídac Ramírez Sarrió

General Secretary

Dr. Jordi Garcia Viña

Vice-Rector for Financial Resources (from 12 January 2010)

Dr. Gonzalo Bernardos Domínguez (from 12 January 2010)

Vice-Rector for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

Dr. Alejandro Aguilar Vila (to 31 January 2010)

Dr. Silvia Atrián Ventura (from 9 April 2010)

Vice-Rector for Research

Dr. Jordi Alberch Vié

Vice-Rector for Science Policy

Dr. M. Teresa Anguera Argilaga (to 11 January 2010)

Vice-Rector for Teaching and Science Policy (from 12 January 2010)

Dr. M. Teresa Anguera Argilaga (from 12 January 2010)

Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Policy (to 11 January 2010)

Dr. Carles Carreras Verdaguer (to 11 January 2010)

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Deputy Rector (from 12 January 2010)

Dr. Carles Carreras Verdaguer (from 12 January 2010)

Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Dr. Lourdes Cirlot Valenzuela

Vice-Rector for Teaching and European Convergence (to 31 December 2009)

Dr. Amelia Díaz Álvarez (to 31 December 2009)

Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff and Deputy Rector (to 31 December 2009)

Dr. Joan Elías García (to 31 December 2009)

Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff (from 12 January 2010)

Dr. Manuel Viladevall Solé (from 12 January 2010)

Vice-Rector for Students and Language Policy

Dr. Gemma Fonrodona Baldajos

Vice-Rector for Administration

Dr. Rafael Martínez Martínez (to 31 December 2009)
Dr. Carme Panchón Iglesias  (from 9 April 2010)

Vice-Rector for Information and Communication

Dr. Pere Quetglas Nicolau

General Manager

Mr. Jordi Damià López (to 30 September 2010)
Mr. Víctor Gómez Gómez (Acting General Manager from 1 October 2010)

President of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Joaquim Coello Brufau



Commissioner for Financial Resources (to 12 January 2010)

Dr. Gonzalo Bernardos Domínguez (to 12 January 2010)

Commissioner for Society and Ageing

Ms. Misericòrdia Garcia Hernández

Commissioner for Hospital Coordination

Dr. César Picado Vallés

Delegate Commissioner of Information and Documentation Systems (from 1 February 2010)

Dr. Carina Rey Martín (from 1 February 2010)

Commissioner for the UB Group, Foundations and Information Technology

Dr. Josep A. Plana Castellví

Commissioner for Sustainability (to 11 January 2010)

Dr. Manuel Viladevall Solé (to 11 January 2010)



Delegate for Cultural Activities and Heritage  

Dr. Salvador Claramunt Rodríguez

Delegate for Document and Archive Management Systems

Mr. Jordi Andreu Daufí

Delegate for Services to the University Community

Dr. Esther Berastegui Jimeno

Delegate for the Vicepresidency of the Association of the Doctors' Senate

Dr. Joan Bosch Cartes

Delegate for the Coordination of University Master's Degree Courses

Dr. Laura Costa Farràs (to 31 December 2009)

Delegate Coordinator of the Bellvitge Campus 

Dr. Jordi Domingo Feliubadaló (to 31 December 2009)

Delegate Coordinator of the Campus of Excellence

Dr. Joaquim Gutiérrez Fruitós (to 31 December 2009)

Delegate Director of the Office for European Convergence

Dr. Ernest Pons Fanals (to 31 December 2009)

Delegate President of the Committee for Gender Equality

Dr. M. Antònia Pujol Maura

Delegate Coordinator of Information and Documentation Systems

Dr. Carina Rey Martín (to 31 December 2010)

Delegate Coordinator of UB-Specific Course Offerings at the Postgraduate Agency

Dr. Sergi Valera Pertegas

Delegate Coordinator of the Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus

Dr. Claudi Mans Teixidó

Delegate Academic Director of the Postgraduate Agency

Dr. M. Cristina Sanz López

Delegate Director at the Centre of Studies for the Documentation of Patents

Dr. Pascual Marcos Segura Cámara

Delegate Manager of the Bellvitge Health Sciences Campus

Dr. Miguel Viñas Ciordia (from 1 February 2010)

Delegate for the project for the Promotion of Activities in Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Dr. Martín Perán Rafart (from 14 January 2010)

Delegate for EHEA Bachelor's Degree Courses and for First- and Second-Stage Study Plans

Dr. Roser Bono Cabré (from 14 January 2010)

Delegate for the Coordination of Teaching Policy and the Implementation of the European Higher Education Area

Dr. Ricardo Piqueras Céspedes (from 1 February 2010)

Delegate for the Coordination and Control of Studies and Reports

Dr. Francisco Javier Varea Soler

Delegate for Quality, Institutional Assessment and Accreditation of the Faculty of Economics and Business

Dr. Marta Espasa Queralt

Delegate for Master's Degree Courses and for Doctoral Programs

Dr. M. Rosa Buxarrais Estrada (from 17 February 2010)

Delegate for the Preparation of a Study to Assess the Catalan University System

Dr. Joaquim Prats Cuevas

Delegate for Sustainability

Dr. Jordi Serra Raventós (from 1 January 2010)


© Universitat de Barcelona

Edition: Planning and Analysis