
IDEAS Experiencing Interculturality & Diversity by Studying Abroad

2019-2022. Investigadors responsables: Laurenz Volkmann, Karin Kleinespel (Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena)

IDEAS is a project promoting the internationalisation of teacher training at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.The ability to deal with diversity and its multifarious aspects needs to be seen as a crucial competence of teachers, now and in the future. IDEAS project offersa broad choice of teaching and learning opportunities in various cultural areas, accompanied by intercultural training programmesin strategically chosen universities in four countries (Spain, Canada, Russia and Georgia).

At the University of Barcelona we are responsible of design, monitoring and evaluationof(a)subject-relevant integration, supervision and follow-up of foreign study visits in existing curricula, chosen in order to sustainably ensure the success and recognition of foreign mobility;(b)provision of special information and advice services for language teaching degree candidates.

Universitats participants: Universität Jena (Alemanya), Universitat de Barcelona i Universitat de València (Espanya), Higher School of Economics, Moskau, Sankt Petersburg, (Russia), Tbilisi State University, (Georgia), Université de Montreal, (Canada)

Projecte competitiu finançat pel  Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung; 23348 – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, República Federal Alemanya.

Membres del GrEPAD que hi participen: Marta Fernàndez-Villanueva, Oliver Strunk