The GreLiC Group (Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics Research Group) is a research group at the University of Barcelona specialized in corpus linguistics and lexicology. It was consolidated by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2014 (2014 SGR 1374). GreLic introduced corpus linguistics in the English Linguistics Section of the Department of English and German Philology with several competitive research projects. We have developed SciE-Lex, a lexical database of non-specialised (bio)medical terms, intended to help Spanish scientists, especially those in the medical community, to write native-like scientific articles in English. We are now applying semantic frames to the study of scientific discourse, in coordination with the project Spanish FrameNet.
Isabel Verdaguer (Universitat de Barcelona)
Joseph Hilferty (Universitat de Barcelona)
Natalia Judith Laso (Universitat de Barcelona)
Elisabet Comelles (Universitat de Barcelona)
Emilia Castaño (Universitat de Barcelona)
Aaron Ventura (Universitat de Barcelona)
Trinidad Guzmán (Universidad de León)
Mar Cruz Piñol (Universitat de Barcelona) (Member of 2014 SGR 1374)
Carlos Subirats (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Member of 2014 SGR 1374)
Anna Poch (Universitat de Barcelona) In Memoriam