DIVERCITY (2015-2017) is a transnational action and research project coordinated by the ESRU and funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the EU. The project is aimed at making a diagnosis of the multiple dimensions of homo- and transphobia in small- and medium-sized cities across Europe, in order to share best practices and promote innovative measures to prevent and combat this social problem. The consortium includes research institutions, NGOs and city councils in Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Germany (TransGender Europe), Greece (KMOP), Poland (University of Wroclaw), Spain (Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat de Girona) and the UK (Middlesex University). The cities where the research and activities are implemented are Girona, Sabadell, Charleroi, Nottingham, Thessaloniki and Wroclaw.