7th – 10th November 2012

Facultat de Geografia i Història - Universitat de Barcelona


  • Call for Papers (closed)
  • Speakers
  • Attendees
  • Wednesday 7/11/2012

    Thursday 8/11/2012

    Friday 9/11/2012

    Saturday 10/11/2012




    Registration to the 1th International Conference on Anthropology and Urban Conflict is totally free. Registration must be realized online before the celebration of the Conference by submitting the registration form properly filled in to the follow mail address: conflictesurbans2012@gmail.com

    All speakers are kindly requested to formalize their registration to the Conference by handing in a copy of their registration form, previously submitted by Internet, to the reception desk located outside the entrance of Aula Magna (4th floor of Campus Raval) during the following hours:


    Reception Desk opening hours:

    Wednesday 7/11/2012            14:00 – 20:00

    Thursday 8/11/2012                9:00 – 14:00 / 15:30 – 20:00

    Friday 9/11/2012                     8:30 – 14:00 / 15:30 – 20:00

    Saturday 10/11/2012               8:30 – 14:00 (CCCB)



    For all interested speakers and without any obligation, a Certificate of Participation (only speakers) will be available on request. This kind of certification is subject to an administrative fee of 20, 00 euros.

    The Certificate of Participation, officially issued and certified by the University of Barcelona, will prove an academic value of 36 hours and will be handed in to each applicant exclusively in-person during the Conference.

    This certification must be applied for and paid online before the celebration of the Conference and within the 24th of October 2012 at 18.30 PM (date and local time in Barcelona, Spain) using the link below:


    - Application closed -