7-10 NOVEMBRE 2012

Facultat de Geografia i Història - Universitat de Barcelona


  • Call for Papers (tancat)
  • Ponents
  • Assistents
  • Dimecres 7/11/2012

    Dijous 8/11/2012

    Divendres 9/11/2012

    Dissabte 10/11/2012

    Call for Papers

    In order to submit a paper, we require an abstract, written in either English, Catalan or Spanish, of no more than 250 words, together with a title, and 5 keywords. Authors will need to specify their name and surname, academic affiliation and email address. Abstracts must be sent before 25th June 2012 to the following email address: conflictesurbans2012@gmail.com. Acceptance of papers will be notified within a month and a half, together with the writing instructions and final deadline.

    Application closed

    Download Call for Papers