18 de Mayo de 2012

Facultat de Geografia i Història - UB

invitacion conferencia TEAM



Trade Unions, Economic Change and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers

TEAM project Final Conference will be held in May in Barcelona, to present the key findings and recommendations of the study.

En la Conferencia Final del proyecto TEAM se presentarán los resultados principales de la investigación en tres sesiones temáticas que se discutirán con expertos en el campo de estudio. Las presentaciones abrirán un intersante debate entre miembros de la academia, contando con la implicación directa de representates de sindicatos, organizaciones de base y el público en general.

TEAM is a comparative European research project examining how trade unions do and could better contribute towards migrant workers integration. Using active inclusion as a guiding principle, it examines the extent to which trade unions engage in activities most fundamental to the improvement of labour market conditions of migrant workers in Europe.

Working alongside two major European trade unions and comprised of selected experts best qualified in this field of study, the project consortium aims to improve expertise in industrial relations through highlighting the best design of policy tools for stronger social cohesion and an improved labour market situation.

The project approach facilitates the development of answers to issues of integration most relevant to policy makers, politicians, and theorists. TEAM will explore if, in periods of economic decline, the fundamental rights of migrant workers are the first to be questioned, and whether social policy developed to support immigrant integration becomes at risk of being undermined. Results will be disseminated to provide sound insights for a better understanding of contemporary dynamics and actions within the relationships and synergies between these collectives.

TEAM is a research project funded by the DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission within the initiative on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, under the subprogram Improving Expertise in the field of Industrial Relations (VP/2010/001).
