Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Simone Melis

Universitat de Barcelona,
Avigunda Montalegre, 6-8, 4th floor, Barcelona.
My philosophical journey began almost playfully and has followed a non-traditional path in terms of timing and objectives. It started at the University of Turin, where I first completed my bachelor's degree with a thesis critical of scientism, and then moved on to the realm of psychologistic logic, an area I am still involved in today.

At the end of 2022, I received a PREDOCS-UB grant that allows me to continue my research in this field. In particular, the main focus of my project is whether psychologistic logic can account for the normative aspects of logic, how this can be achieved, and at what cost. With the support of my supervisors, Manolo Martinez (Philosopher of Cognitive Sciences - UB), Luca Bonatti (Cognitive Scientist - UPF), and Andrea Iacona (Logician - UNITO), I can try to approach the subject from a multidisciplinary perspective. This enables me to attempt a synthesis of diverse approaches to the topic and hopefully to put the basis for further research.