Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

A Lucid Answer to Dream Skepticism

    Nenad Petković (PETAF Early Stage Researcher at CEU)

14 March 2012  |  15:00  |  Seminari de Filosofia UB


In the following paper I will try to show that one of the most famous skeptical scenarios - the dream scenario, if properly understood is not such a dangerous treat as it is usually thought of. I will try to show that it is possible to know that we are dreaming while we are dreaming. This happens in the state called lucid dream. I am going to cite some of the reasons why people may think that in dreams, we do not have knowledge.  Then I will try to show that in lucid dreams, the same reasons do not apply: so as far as those reasons are concerned, we can have knowledge in lucid dreams. At the end, I will try to show that lucid dreams are dreams in the relevant sense, regardless of the epistemic differences.