Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Roger Deulofeu

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 
Departament de Filosofia
Despatx B7/115
Facultat de filosofia i lletres
Roger Deulofeu

Curriculum Vitae

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I hold a PhD in philosophy of science by the University of Barcelona (02/2020).  Before, I got a MA in Analytic Philosophy and another Ma in Education (philosophy teacher) at the same university. I did a BA in Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

In my dissertation ( funded by an FPI grant), supervised by professor José A. Díez, I argue for a weak explanatory pluralism in biology, challenging the mechanistic approach at the light of mathematical and covering law models of explanation. 

I have taught Philosofy of Science and Logic at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Prof. associado), and English language and philosophy at secondary school. 

Currently I am working at the UAB with professor Thomas Sturm under a Margarita Salas post doctoral position. My project has two main parts: First, it focus on the philosophy of science of Philip Kitcher, his naturalism and his defense of epistemic values as essential to characterise science and its advancement. Second, it considers the importance of teaching HPS, logics and argumentation theory (Critical reasoning) in secondary schools, as a way of training adolescents to deal with the challenges of propaganda, persuasion and populaism (among others) that they will have to face as democratic citizens.

Selection of Publications

  • Roger Deulofeu, Javier Suárez. 2023

    Pluralism and Complexity Without Integration? A Critical Appraisal of Mitchell’s Integrative Pluralism

    Deulofeu, R. & Suárez (Forthcoming). Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science
  • Roger Deulofeu. 2023

    Natural selection and the nature of statistical explanations

    Crítica. (Forthcoming). Revista hispanoamericana de filosofía 
  • Roger Deulofeu, Javier Suárez. 2021

    Explaining the behavior of random ecological networks. The stability of the microbiome as a case of integrative pluralism. 

    Synthese 198.3: 2003-2025.
  • Roger Deulofeu, Javier Suárez. 2019

    Equilibrium explanations as structural non-mechanistic explanations: the case of long-term bacterial persistence in human hosts 

    Teorema. Revista internacional de filosofía
  • Roger Deulofeu, Javier Suárez. 2018

    When mechanisms are not enough. The origin of eukaryotes an mechanistic explanation

    In Christian, A., Hommen, D., Retzlaff, N., Schurz, G. (eds.) Philosophy of Science: Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities. Springer.
  • Roger Deulofeu, Jordi Deulofeu. 2017

    Pascal. Los fundamentos de la probabilidad

    Coleccion grandes matemáticos. RBA