Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Inner Speech, Thought, and Mental Action (ISTMA)

Convenors: Daniel Gregory and Marta Jorba

The RG will take place during the second semester (February-June 2024) and meet every other week online. The day and time will be discussed when the semester approaches. The duration of the sessions will be 1,30h. 

Below is a provisional list of readings, but those interested in participating can write to me and/or Daniel and eventually propose other readings. We also consider the possibility of discussing work-in-progress from participants. 

Provisional list of readings (in alphabetical order):  

  • Doyle, C (2022), ‘The Sense of Agency and the Epistemology of Thinking’, Erkenntnis, 87: 2589-2608.
  • Fernyhough C, Borghi AM. Inner speech as language process and cognitive tool. Trends Cogn Sci. 2023 Sep 26:S1364-6613(23)00210-3. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.08.014.
  • Fodor, J. (1972). "Some Reflections on L.S. Vygotsky's Thought  and Language", Cognition 1(1): 83-95. 
  • Krempel, R (forthcoming), ‘Aphantasia, Unsymbolised Thinking and Conscious Thought’, doi: 10.1007/s10670-023-00706-2.
  • Munroe, W. (2022). “Thinking Through Talking to Yourself: Inner Speech as a Vehicle of Conscious Reasoning,” Philosophical Psychology
  • Patel, S. (2022). "Towards a Conative Account of Mental Imagery", Philosophical Psychology 
  • Petrolini, V., Jorba, M., and Vicente, A. (2020). The Role of Inner Speech in Executive Functioning Tasks: Schizophrenia With Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and Autistic Spectrum Conditions as Case Studies. Frontiers in Psychology, 1. 
  • Verhaegen, P, and Mirabito, G. (2021). When You Are Talking to Yourself, is Anybody Listening? The Relationship Between Inner Speech, Self-Awareness, Wellbeing, and Multiple Aspects of Self-Regulation. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 7, 8-24.
  • Vicente, A. (2022). "Speaking for Thinking: “Thinking for Speaking” reconsidered’, in Pablo Fossa (ed.), Inner Speech, Culture and Education. Springer. 
