Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Online Discourse (GRSOD)

In this group we look at papers from varied areas such as philosophy of lanaguge, epistemology, social ontology that adress directly or indirectly isssues to do with gender, race and sexuality in online conversations.

Our regular slot is bi-weekly on Thursdays 10-11.30.

Meetings are held online via Zoom, please email to be added to the mailing list.

Convenors: Esa Díaz León and Patrick Connolly



  • Katherine Furman (2023) Epistemic Bunkers, Social Epistemology, 37:2, 197-207, DOI: 10.1080/02691728.2022.2122756.

    14 March 2024

    10:00, Online

  • Bianca Cepollaro, (forthcoming) What’s Distinctive About Blocking Implicit Toxicity Online, Conversations Online: Explorations in Philosophy of Language (Connolly, Goldberg, Saul eds.), OUP

    04 April 2024

    10:00, Online

  • Regina Rini (forthcoming) Context collapse and pop-up communities: How social media makes its own norm, Conversations Online: Explorations in Philosophy of Language (Connolly, Goldberg, Saul, eds), OUP

    18 April 2024

    10:00, Online

  • Jeroen de Ridder's (2022) Online Illusions of Understanding, Social Epistemology, DOI: 10.1080/02691728.2022.2151331

    17 May 2024

    10:00, Zoom

  • Vallerga and Zurbriggen (2022), Hegemonic masculinities in the ‘Manosphere’: A thematic analysis of beliefs about men and women on The Red Pill and Incel, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 22, pp. 602-625

    (Session was held 3rd May)

    17 May 2024

    00:00, Zoom

  • William Tuckwell (2022) Virtue Signalling to Signal Trustworthiness, Avoid Distrust, and Scaffold Self-Trust, Social Epistemology, DOI: 10.1080/02691728.2022.2150989

    31 May 2024

    10:00, Zoom