Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Philosophy of Film (PoF)

The Philosophy of Film reading group, a joint venture of LOGOS, Valencia Philosophy Lab and the Aesthetic and Theory of Arts Murcia group (, will be held online on the last Friday every month from 17:00 to 19:00. 

Exceptionally, the first online meeting will be on Friday, 23 October. We plan to discuss chapters that discuss films in books by Robert Pippin, George Wilson, Robin Wood and others, after having watched the films on our own.

For the first meeting on October 23rd, we'll discuss Robert Pippin's commentary on Hitchcock's 1954 Rear Window, chapter 2 of his 2020 book Filmed Thought.

If you are interested in joining us, please send me an email off-list by 8th of October. I will send you a Zoom link and Pippin's chapter.


  • Hitchcock, A. The Rear Window

    R. Pippin, Filmed Thought (2020)

    23 October 2020

    17:00, Online

  • Almódovar, Talk with her

    R. Pippin, Filmed Thought (2020)

    27 October 2020

    17:00, Online

  • Bergman, Cries and Whispers

    R. Wood, Ingmar Bergman (2009)

    28 December 2020

    17:00, Online

  • Cukor, Adam’s Rib

    St. Cavell, Pursuits of Happiness (1981)

    22 January 2021

    17:00, Online

  • Cukor, Gaslight

    St. Cavell, Contesting Tears (1996)

    19 February 2021

    17:00, Online

  • Buñuel, Belle de jour

    Duprat de Montero, A., "The Intertextual Presence of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Belle de jour" (2013)

    19 March 2021

    17:00, Online

  • Akerman, La Captive

    Rennebohm, K. "Chantal Akerman and Stanley Cavell" (2021)

    23 April 2021

    17:00, Online

  • Hitchock, Vertigo

    Makkai, K., "Vertigo and Being Seen" (2013)

    21 May 2021

    17:00, Online

  • Lynch, Mulhollan Drive

    McGowan, T., "Lost on Mulholland Drive" (2004)

    18 June 2021

    17:00, Online

  • Coen, J & E, The Man who Wasn't There

    Wilson, G., "Love and Bullshit in Santa Rosa" (2011)

    23 July 2021

    17:00, Online