This reading group covers recent papers primarily from philosophy of psychology that address issues related to (the capacities that enable) action control and to the role of aspects of conscious experience in action control.
Feb 4
Sripada, C. (2020). The atoms of selfâcontrol. Noûs.
Feb 18
Wu, W. (2016). Experts and deviants: The story of agentive control. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 93(1), 101-126.
March 4
Pacherie, E., & Mylopoulos, M. (2020). Beyond Automaticity: The Psychological Complexity of Skill. Topoi, 1-14.
March 18
Christensen, W. (2020). The skill of translating thought into action. Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
April 1
Langland-Hassan, P. (2016). On choosing what to imagine, in Knowledge through Imagination, OUP.
April 15
Pacherie, E. (2014). How does it feel to act together?. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 13(1), 25-46.
April 29
Davies, W. (2020). Colour Relations in Form. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
May 13
Spurrett, D. (2019). The descent of preferences. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
May 27
Irving, Z. (n.d.) Drifting and directed minds.
June 10
Glasscock, J.P. (forthcoming). Authoritative knowledge. Erkenntnis.