Aesthetics Reading Group:
Venue: Seminario Ramon Llull (room 4047)
Date and time: Every two Mondays, 15-17
Convenors: Neri Marsili and Enrico Terrone
January 28th: Terrone, E. (draft). Documentaries, Docudramas and Perceptual Beliefs.
February 4th: Friend, S. (2007). The pleasures of documentary tragedy. The British Journal of Aesthetics, 47(2).
February 18th: Carroll, N. (1983). From real to reel: entangled in nonfiction film. Philosophic Exchange, 14(1), 1.
March 4th: Meskin, A., & Weinberg, J. M. (2003). Emotions, fiction, and cognitive architecture. The British Journal of Aesthetics, 43(1), 18-34.
March 18th: Stock, K. (2011). Unpacking the boxes: the cognitive theory of imagination and aesthetics. In: Schellekens, E and Goldie, P (eds.) The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford University Press, pp.268-282. ISBN 9780199691517
April 1st: Cova F. and Teroni F. (2016), Is the Paradox of Fiction Soluble in Psychology?, Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):930-942 (2016)
[secondary, optional reading: Stock, K. (2014) Physiological Evidence and the Paradox of Fiction (2014) in Aesthetics and the Sciences of Mind, edited by Gregory Currie, Matthew Kieran, Aaron Meskin, and Jon Robson.]
What is Fiction?
April 15th: Currie, G. (1985). What is fiction? Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism: 385-392.
April 29th: (NB: two papers) Friend, S.; Stock, K. (2011). Fictive Utterance and Imagining (I and II), Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 85, 145–62.
May 13th: Mikkonen, Jukka. (2010). Implicit Assertions in Literary Fiction. Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 2 (1960): 312–30.
May 27th: García-Carpintero, M. (2013). Norms of Fiction-Making. The British Journal of Aesthetics, 53(3)
Learning from Fiction
June 10th: Elgin, C. Z. (2002). Art in the Advancement of Understanding. American Philosophical Quarterly 39 (1)
June 24st: Stolnitz, J. (1992). On the Cognitive Triviality of Art. British Journal of Aesthetics 32: 191–200.
Gibson, John (2003). Between truth and triviality. British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (3):224-237.
July 8th Stock, Kathleen. (2018). Fiction, Testimony, Belief and History. In Art and Belief, edited by E. Sullivan-Bisset, H.Bradley, and P. Noordhof. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
July 22th: Ichino, A. and Currie, G. 2018. Truth and Trust in Fiction. In Art and Belief, edited by E. Sullivan-Bisset, H.Bradley, and P. Noordhof. Oxford: Oxford University Press.