LOGOS - Universitat de Barcelona
BIAP - Barcelona Institue of Analytic Philosophy
Universitat de Barcelona
Departament de Filosofia
C/Montalegre, 6-8, 4th floor,
08001 - Barcelona
I got my Licenciatura in Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona, (UB), (2010) and did a MA in Analytic Philosophy at the UB. As a member of the Research Group "The Significance of First-Personal Attitudes", I am doing my PhD within the Cognitive Science and Language program under the supervision of Manuel García-Carpintero and Josep Macià. My research focuses on puzzles in propositional attributions, formal semantics and their connections with the metaphysics of identity and the filosofhy of mind. On another note, I teach Philosophy of Language and Epistemology at the UB, and have a FI grant since 2016.