Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Worlds and Truth Values: Challenges to Formal Semantics (MUNVAL)

Duration: 2020 - 2024

Code: 2019PID-107667GB-I00

All researchers

Genoveva Martí (ICREA-UB)
José Martínez (U. Barcelona)
Carlos Benito
Sergi Oms (U. Barcelona)
Marcelino Botín (U. Barcelona)
Andreas Kapsner (Ludwig Maximilian University)
Mario Gómez-Torrente (UNAM)
Lorena Ramírez (Pompeu Fabra University)
Iñigo Valero (UB)
Joost Josten (UB)
Jordi Valor (U València)
Elia Zardini (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


Possible-worlds semantics and many-valued semantics are two powerful formal tools that have traditionally been used to model important semantic and logical phenomena. In spite of their success, it has been argued that both tools do not suffice to express adequately the complexity of those phenomena. Our main objective in this project is to explore the utility of both tools to address issues that have been taken to be out of their domain of application, in particular, the analysis of the representation of the necessity of theoretical statements in possible worlds semantics and the representation in many-valued semantics of fragments of discourse that contain semantic pathologies (due, for instance, to semantic paradoxes or to the presence of sentences that do not express complete propositions).

Amount awarded: 48,400€ and a predoctoral FPI scholarship.


  • Genoveva Martí, F. Contesi, E. Terrone, M. Campdelacreu, R. García-Moya. 2024

    The problem of taste to the experimental test.

    Analysis 84(2): 239-248.

  • Sergi Oms, José Martínez. 2024

    The Many Faces of the Liar Paradox

    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology, 28: 15-21.

  • Genoveva Martí. 2023

    The semantics of natural kind terms. A critical reflection on experimental and theoretical issues.

    Acta Philosophica Fennica, 100: 153-172

  • Sergi Oms. 2023

    Some Remarks on the Notion of Paradox

    Acta Analytica, 38: 211–228.

  • Sergi Oms, Marta Campdelacreu. 2023

    Qua-Objects, (Non-)Derivative Properties and the Consistency of Hylomorphism

    Metaphysica, 24: 323-338.

  • Sergi Oms. 2023

    L’exercici de la ment oberta

    Convivium, 36: 101-127.

  • Genoveva Martí. 2022

    Reference and theories of reference

    Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.): The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge University Press, pp. 233-265.

  • Genoveva Martí, José Martínez-Fernández. 2021

    The representation of gappy sentences in four-valued semantics

    Semiotica 2021(240): 145-163

  • Sergi Oms, Elia Zardini. 2021

    Inclosure and Intolerance

    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 62: 201-220.

  • Genoveva Martí, José Martínez-Fernández. 2020

    Natural kind terms and rigidity

    S. Biggs & H. Giersson (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Linguistic Reference. Routledge: 283-294.