Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Knowledge, Reference and Realism

Duration: 2012 - 2015

Code: FFI2011-29560-C02-01

Principal Investigator

Manuel Pérez Otero (

All researchers

Manuel Pérez Otero (U. Barcelona)
Giuliano Torrengo (U. Barcelona

Claudia Picazo

Gemma Celestino (UB);

Ekain Garmendia (UNAM)

Giuliano Torrengo (UB);

Ignacio Vicario (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid);

Claudia Picazo (UB)



This project has five main objectives:


(i)  To continue the compatibilist approach to the supposed conflict between externalism and self-knowledge that started in the previous project (“Discriminability: Representation, Belief, and Skepticism”). This task includes a reply to Boghossian’s incompatibilist arguments grounded on the fact that we know a priori whether a given reasoning is logically valid or not.


(ii)        To apply the characterization of the concept of begging the question (and assuming compatibilism between externalism and self-knowledge) to an epistemological issue which is relevant for the realism/antirealism debate: it will be advanced an interpretation and defence of Putnam’s argument for the thesis that we are not brains in a vat.


(iii).      Analysis of the conditions for the reference of proper names and de re beliefs. Such an analysis will include: (a) to work out a theoretical model of understanding assertions about singular objects not dependent of acquaintance with the object; (b) to develop a descriptivist semantics for names of fictional entities, and to examine which modal ontology fits with that semantics.


(iv).        Study of intentional action in connection with the options that are open for an agent, with the further aim of determining which conception of counterfactual possibility is better to identify those options.


(v).        Analysis of the ontology of time from the perspective of the contrast between two corresponding forms of the realism/antirealism debate. This includes: (a) a study of the connections between presentism and tense-realism; (b) an analysis of the notion of temporal perspective, and its explanatory import in semantics and metaphysics; (c) to support the tenet that tense anti-realism and eternalism are explanatorily satisfying and ontologically acceptable positions.


  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2016

    Pluralismo plural en la concepción de Wittgenstein sobre seguir una regla

    Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 67, pp. 73-81.      

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2016

    Variedades del escepticismo y del anti-escepticismo    

    Análisis Filosófico 36/1, pp. 7-27.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2015

    El carácter singular de ciertos términos y conceptos generales según Wittgenstein  

    Cristina Bosso (compiladora) El concepto de filosofía en Wittgenstein, Buenos Aires: Prometeo.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2014

    Boghossian’s Inference Argument against Content Externalism Reversed 

    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 89, Issue 1, pp. 159-181. First published online: July 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1933-1592.2012.00613.x.     

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2013

    Kripke: reorientaciones en el giro lingüístico-representacional

    Perspectivas en la filosofía del lenguaje, David P. Chico (coord.), Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 242-272.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2013

    Contingentism about Individuals and Higher-Order Necessitism    

    Theoria, vol. 28/3, pp. 393-406.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2013

    Purposes of Reasoning and (a New Vindication of) Moore’s Proof of an External World    

    Synthese, vol. 190, pp. 4181-4200. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-013-0256-6.

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    Time Travel and the Thin Red Line

    in P. Graziani and M Sangoi (eds.) Open Problem in the Philosophy of Science, London, College Publications: 245-258.

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    Experimental Philosophy and Metaphysics

    Methode. Analytical Perspective, II, 2: 195-205

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    Una nota sulla filosofia dei viaggi nel tempo [A note on the Philosophy of Time Travel]

    U. Curi (ed.), Pensare il Tempo. Tra Scienza e Filosofia, Milano, Mimesis: 137 - 150

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    Yet Another Confusion about Time Travel

    Disputatio 1, 35: 49-56

  • Giuliano Torrengo, R. Ciuni. 2013

    Presentism and Cross-temporal Relations

    in R. Ciuni, K. Miller, G. Torrengo (eds.) New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, Philosophia Verlag: 211-252

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations

    Synthese, 190: 2047–2063 (online:

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2012

    La prueba de Putnam contra el escepticismo radical: dos reinterpretaciones basadas en el autoconocimiento

    Crítica, vol. 44, pp. 35-63.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2012

    Los propósitos de razonar, ilustrados con el argumento externista anti-escéptico de Putnam

    Theoria, 27/1, núm. 3, pp. 55-74

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2012

    Commentary of ‘Minimizing Marriage. Marriage, Morality, and the Law’, E. Brake, 

    Humana.mente — Journal of Philosophical Studies, 22: 211-224

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2012

    Time and Simple Existence

    Metaphysica, 13: 125-130

  • Giuliano Torrengo, Andrea Borghini. 2012

    The Metaphysics of the Thin Red Line

    in (eds.) F. Correia, A. Iacona, Around the Tree, Berlin, Synthese Library, Springer Verlag: 105-125

  • Giuliano Torrengo, Roberto Ciuni. 2012

    Presentism and Cross-temporal Relations

    forthcoming in R. Ciuni, K. Miller, G. Torrengo (eds.) New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, Munich, Philosophia Verlag

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2011

    The Modal Dimension

    Humana.Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2011, Vol. 19, 105–120