Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Reference, Self-Reference and Empirical Data

Duration: 2012 - 2015

Code: FFI2011-25626

Principal Investigator

José Martínez (

All researchers

Genoveva Martí (ICREA-UB)
Sergi Oms (U. Barcelona)
Laura Ortega
Laura Pérez

Giuliano Torrengo (U. Barcelona

Pilar Terrés

Joan Bertran (UB)

Michael Devitt (CUNY)

Mario Gómez Torrente (UNAM)

Genoveva Martí (ICREA-UB)

Sergi Oms (UB)

Laura Ortega (UB)

Laura Pérez (UB)

Stefan Reining (UB)

Pilar Terrés (UB)

Giuliano Torrengo (UB)

Jordi Valor(UVEG)

Åsa Wikforss (Stockholm U.)

Elia Zardini (UB)


Experimental Philosophy is a relatively recent movement that questions the supposedly traditional philosophical methodology. Traditional philosophers, according to experimentalists, use exclusively their own judgments to determine whether the consequences of the principles they defend, or attack, are intuitively correct, and they do so usually via mental experiments in which they try to gauge what, according to the principles in question, one would have to say in the conditions described in the hypothetical scenario. Experimental philosophers, on the other hand, advocate the collection of data through surveys that elicit the intuitive judgments of subjects, philosophers and non-philosophers alike, in order to test the adequacy of theoretical principles or claims. The impact of the new movement has been quite strong and has generated an intense debate on the role of intuitions in Philosophy, whose intuitions should count, and why. Even though this debate affects all philosophical domains, the focus of our project lies in the field of semantics. We will develop two research lines. The first research line will be the semantics of general terms, both kind terms and terms for artifacts. The second will cope with the characterization of the type of circularity which produce semantic paradoxes. In both research lines, a central concern will be the discussion of the role played by intuitions and experimental data in philosophical theorizing. 

Total budget: 74,700
1 predoctoral FPI scholarship


  • Genoveva Martí. 2015

    Reference without cognition

    A. Bianchi (ed.) On Reference. Oxford University Press

  • Genoveva Martí. 2014

    For the Disunity of Semantics

    Mind & Language, 29/4: 485-489

  • Genoveva Martí. 2014

    Reference and Experimental Semantics

    Edouard Machery and Elizabeth O’Neill (eds.): Current Controversies in Experimental Philosophy. New York. Routledge, pp. 17-26

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations

    Synthese, 190: 2047–2063 (online:

  • Giuliano Torrengo, R. Ciuni. 2013

    Presentism and Cross-temporal Relations

    in R. Ciuni, K. Miller, G. Torrengo (eds.) New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, Philosophia Verlag: 211-252

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    Yet Another Confusion about Time Travel

    Disputatio 1, 35: 49-56

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2013

    Time Travel and the Thin Red Line

    in P. Graziani and M Sangoi (eds.) Open Problem in the Philosophy of Science, London, College Publications: 245-258.

  • Genoveva Martí. 2012


    García-Carpintero, M. and Kölbel, M.: Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Language. London. The Continuum International Publishing Group (2012), pp. 106-124.

  • Genoveva Martí. 2012

    Empirical Data and the Theory of Reference

    Kabasenche,  W.; O'Rourke, M.; Slater, M. (eds.): Topics in Contemporary Philosophy: Reference and Referring. MIT Press: 63-82

  • Giuliano Torrengo, Roberto Ciuni. 2012

    Presentism and Cross-temporal Relations

    forthcoming in R. Ciuni, K. Miller, G. Torrengo (eds.) New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, Munich, Philosophia Verlag

  • Giuliano Torrengo, Andrea Borghini. 2012

    The Metaphysics of the Thin Red Line

    in (eds.) F. Correia, A. Iacona, Around the Tree, Berlin, Synthese Library, Springer Verlag: 105-125

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2012

    Time and Simple Existence

    Metaphysica, 13: 125-130

  • Giuliano Torrengo. 2012

    Commentary of ‘Minimizing Marriage. Marriage, Morality, and the Law’, E. Brake, 

    Humana.mente — Journal of Philosophical Studies, 22: 211-224