Duration: 2011 - 2014
Code: FFI2010-16049
Marta Campdelacreu
Josep Corbí
Kathrin Glüer-Pagin
Marta Jorba
Teresa Marques
Peter Pagin
Chiara Panizza
Francesc Pereña
Josep Lluís Prades
Fiora Salis
Richard Woodwar
Timothy Williamson’s 1996 paper „Knowing and Asserting“ reopened the interest in normative accounts of assertion, which had been in disfavour after Strawson’s influential Gricean criticism of Austin’s normative account. Best porno site http://www.catnepal.com Williamson’s proposal has been the focus of ongoing discussion in the years since. The main goal of this project is to contribute to the goal of clarifying the nature of the speech act of assertion, and that of its internal mental correlate, judgment, by focusing on contemporary discussion of two related sets of issues: issues concerning proposals to relativize truth, and issues concerning seeming assertions involving apparent reference to fictional entities, and fictionalist proposals in general. We plan to contrast normative and descriptive accounts of assertoric force, by appraising how they fare when it comes to evaluating proposals for relativizing truth, on the one hand, and to what extent they underwrite fictionalist accounts in different fields on the other, in particular in the case of claims apparently involving reference to fictional characters, claims about the content of narratives in general and fictional narratives in particular, and claims about the narrative identity of the Self. The initial hypothesis is that normative accounts of assertoric force pose very serious difficulties for radical truth-relativism – proposals for relativizing truth as a property of assertions and judgments, not just of the contents of those acts – and that they help motivating fictionalist proposals.
Marta Jorba, Dermot Moran. 2016
Philosophical Explorations 19(2): 95-113.
Marta Jorba. 2016
Breyer, T. and Gutland, Ch. (eds.). The Phenomenology of Thinking. Philosophical Investigations into the Character of Cognitive Experiences. London: Routlegde: 77-96.
Marta Jorba. 2016
Mind 125 (497): 290-297.
Teresa Marques. 2016
Inquiry 59 (6): 723-751. DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2016.1192484
Marta Jorba. 2015
International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (5): 730-753.
Marta Jorba. 2015
Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 47 (141): 3-32.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2014
García-Carpintero, M. & Martí, G. (eds.), Empty Representations: Reference and Non-Existence, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 1-22.
Manuel García-Carpintero, Teresa Marques. 2014
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2014.922592
Marta Jorba, Agustín Vicente. 2014
Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol 21, Issue 9-10, pp. 74-99.
Teresa Marques, Daniel Cohnitz. 2014
Erkenntnis 79 (1) Supplement.
Teresa Marques, Manuel García-Carpintero. 2014
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92(4): 701-723
Teresa Marques. 2014
Erkenntnis. 79 (1): 121 - 142. doi: 10.1007/s10670-013-9448-1.
Teresa Marques. 2014
Philosophical Studies. 167 (2): 361 - 373. doi: 10.1007/s11098-013-0100-3
Teresa Marques, Daniel Cohnitz. 2014
Erkenntnis, 79 (1): 1-10. DOI 10.1007/s10670-013-9442-7
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
Perspectivas en Filosofía del Lenguaje, David Pérez-Chico (coord.), Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
Journal of Pragmatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2013.01.005
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
Brevity, Laurence Goldstein (ed.), OUP: Oxford, 214-229.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
British Journal for Aesthetics, DOI: 10.1093/aesthj/ayt021
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
J. Turri (ed.), Virtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy of Ernest Sosa, Philosophical Studies Series, Springer, Dordrecht 2013, 73-99.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
Philosophical Quarterly, 2013, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9213.12011 .
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013
Disputatio 36, (2013), 191-206
Marta Jorba. 2013
Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia XXIV, 115-13.
Richard Woodward. 2013
Thought 1, pp.200-209.
Richard Woodward, Tatjana von Solodkoff. 2013
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, to appear.
Richard Woodward. 2013
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86, pp.183–193
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012
Philosophy Compass 7(6), 2012, 410-421 DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-9991.2012.00485.x
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012
Philosophical Studies, 161 (2012) , 207-225. DOI: 10.1007/s11098-011-9730-5 .
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012
Philosophy Compass 7(6), 2012, 397-409 DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-9991.2012.00484.x.
Teresa Marques, Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012
in P. Galvão (ed.), Filosofia - Uma Introdução por Disciplinas, Lisboa, Edições 70.
Richard Woodward. 2012
Philosophy Compass 7, pp.58-70.
Richard Woodward. 2012
Fictionalism and Incompleteness
Nous 46 pp.781-790.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011
Teorema 30, 43-52.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011
Grazer Philosophische Studien, 82, 49-75.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011
Teorema 30 (2011), 167-17.
Marta Jorba. 2011
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, Vol 3, Issue 1, pp. 101-110.
Richard Woodward. 2011
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92, pp.535-50.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2010
Jeshion, R. (ed.), New Essays on Singular Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 273-299.
Marta Jorba. 2010
Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science. Vol 25, No 2, pp. 187-196.