Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

PETAF - Perspectival Thoughts and Facts

Duration: 2010 - 2013

Code: FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008. Project number: 238128.

Principal Investigator

Sven Rosenkranz (

All researchers

Sven Rosenkranz (ICREA-UB)
Manuel García-Carpintero (U. Barcelona)
Max Kölbel (U. of Vienna)
Genoveva Martí (ICREA-UB)
Dan López de Sa (ICREA-UB)
José Martínez (U. Barcelona)
Josep Macià (U. Barcelona)
Giovanni Merlo


The FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network PETAF is the first research and training network exclusively in philosophy ever to be financed by the European Commission. It aims to serve as a European research and training platform for joint philosophical research on perspectival thought, its linguistic expression and its consequences for our conception of objective, mind-independent reality. PETAF’s research programme, which runs for four years, addresses both general issues in metaphysics and in logic and semantics and specific issues in more specialised areas in which perspective-bound cognition plays a pivotal role, i.e. the philosophy of space and time, the philosophy of alethic and epistemic modality, the philosophy of subjectivity and consciousness, and the philosophy of norms and value.

Total budget: €1465432
7 Early Stage Researchers (of whom 1 recruited by the UB) 

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