Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

PERSP - Philosophy of Perspectival Thoughts and Facts

Duration: 2009 - 2015

Code: CSD2009-00056

All researchers

Cristina Balaguer (U. Barcelona)
Adrian Briciu
Marta Campdelacreu (U. Barcelona)
José Antonio Díez (U. Barcelona)
Manuel García-Carpintero (U. Barcelona)
Marta Jorba (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Max Kölbel (U. of Vienna)
Dan López de Sa (ICREA-UB)
Josep Macià (U. Barcelona)
Teresa Marques (U. Barcelona)
Genoveva Martí (ICREA-UB)
Manolo Martínez (U. Barcelona)
José Martínez (U. Barcelona)
Andrei Moldovan
Manuel Pérez Otero (U. Barcelona)
David Pineda (U. Girona)
Josep-Lluís Prades (U. Girona)
Sven Rosenkranz (ICREA-UB)
Joan Pagès (U. Girona)
Fiora Salis (U. Barcelona)
Andreas Pietz (U. Barcelona)
Dan Zeman (U. Barcelona)


According to a natural way of thinking, objective reality is independent from us – independent from our thought and talk. Hence, when we have knowledge of it, it allows for a description whose truth does not depend on our perspectives. Nonetheless, we are familiar with the phenomenon that the truth-value of some of our claims, on the face of it perfectly apt to represent how things objectively are, essentially varies depending on our perspectives.


Thus, the statement "Dinosaurs last roamed the earth 60 million years ago", true when uttered now, would not have been true if it had been uttered, say, 10 million years ago; the claim "Time is running slower for Pollux, because he's travelling at 99% of the speed of light" might be true uttered relative to some reference frame but not others; “Lentils are tasty” and, more controversially, “Gay marriage is acceptable” are also perhaps true only when made relative to particular gustative or moral perspectives; and, to provide a totally commonplace example, the claim “I am hungry” is true when uttered by some agents at some times, but not when uttered by others, or by the same agent at a different time. How can this variation in truth-value be reconciled with our conception of facts as being perspective-independent? Are not those perspectives from which the truth-value of claims like these essentially depends also an aspect of objective reality? Our project aims to contribute to the field of research aiming at its core to answer questions like these. These issues have been studied in depth in contemporary philosophy by researchers working on only some of the crucial cases for understanding the perspectival character of our thought, and their work has provided important results. However, while the complexity and diversity of the phenomena makes understandable the piecemeal approach that so far has been taken, we think that a unified attack is needed, for which the exploiting of synergies and complementarities and the collaborative efforts that a CONSOLIDER project allows are mandatory.


More information:


  • Teresa Marques. 2018


    Synthese. 2018, 195 (8), pp 3335–3359 DOI:10.1007/s11229-015-0852-8

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    El dominio de lo mental en la filosofía de Williamson

    THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, vol. 33/1, pp. 23-40.    

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    Semántica y ontología de mundos posibles

    David P. Chico (coordinador)  Cuestiones de la filosofía del lenguaje, Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 199-233.

  • Max Kölbel. 2017

    "About Concerns "

    In Ilse Depraetere and Raphael Salkie (eds.), Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line, Amsterdam: Springer, 197–214.

  • Marta Jorba. 2016

    The Conscious and Phenomenal Character of Thought: Reflections on Their Possible Dissociation

    Phenomenology and Mind 10: 44-56.

  • Marta Jorba, Dermot Moran. 2016

    Conscious Thinking and Cognitive Phenomenology: Topics, Views and Future Developments

    Philosophical Explorations 19(2): 95-113.

  • Marta Jorba. 2016

    Review of Semantic Perception, by Jody Azzouni

    Mind 125 (497): 290-297.

  • Marta Jorba. 2016

    Attitudinal Cognitive Phenomenology and the Horizon of Possibilities.

    Breyer, T. and Gutland, Ch. (eds.). The Phenomenology of Thinking. Philosophical Investigations into the Character of Cognitive Experiences. London: Routlegde: 77-96.

  • Teresa Marques. 2016

    Aesthetic Predicates: A Hybrid Dispositional Account

    Inquiry 59 (6): 723-751. DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2016.1192484

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2016

    Variedades del escepticismo y del anti-escepticismo    

    Análisis Filosófico 36/1, pp. 7-27.

  • Marta Jorba. 2015

    Conscious Thought and the Limits of Restrictivism

    Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 47 (141): 3-32.

  • Marta Jorba. 2015

    Thoughts, Processive Character and the Stream of Consciousness

    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (5): 730-753.

  • Max Kölbel. 2015

    "Relativism 2: Semantic Content"

    Philosophy Compass 10/1, pp. 52–67.

  • Max Kölbel. 2015

    "Moral Relativism "

    In Tim Crane (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2015, London: Routledge.

  • Max Kölbel. 2015

    "Propositionen "

    In Nikola Kompa (ed), Handbuch Sprachphilosophie, Stuttgart/Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler.

  • Max Kölbel. 2015

    "Relativism 1: Representational Content"

    Philosophy Compass 10/1, pp. 38–51.

  • Dan López de Sa. 2015

    'Expressing Disagreement'

    Erkenntnis 80, 153–165

  • Teresa Marques. 2015

    Construção Social

    in J. Branquinho and R. Santos (eds.) Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica. Lisbon: CFUL.

  • Teresa Marques. 2015

    Disagreeing in Context

    Frontiers in Psychology 6 (257):1-12.

  • Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2015

    'Return of the Living Dead: Reply to Braddon-Mitchell'

    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 9, 376-89

  • Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2015

    'Presentism without Presentness'

    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4, 19-27

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2015

    'Fallibility and Trust'

    Noûs 49, 616-41

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2015

    'In Defense of Ockhamism'

    in Fischer, J.M./Todd, P. (eds.), Freedom, Fatalism, and Foreknowledge, New York: Oxford University Press, 343-60 (reprint of the 2012 Philosophia article)

  • Marta Jorba. 2014

    Perspectives sobre el contracte sexual-social: John Locke i Carole Pateman.

    Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia XXV, pp. 117-133. 

  • Max Kölbel. 2014

    "Agreement and Communication"

    Erkenntnis 79, pp. 101–120.

  • Dan López de Sa. 2014

    ‘What Could Vague Objects Possibly Be?’

    in Akiba & Abasnezhad (eds.), Vague Objects and Vague Identity, Springer, 257-71

  • Dan López de Sa. 2014

    'Audience in Context'

    Erkenntnis 79, 241-253

  • Teresa Marques. 2014

    É o Género uma Construção Social?

    n A. P. Mesquita, C. Beckert, J. L. Pérez & Xavier M. L. L. O. (eds.), A Paixão da Razão. Homenagem a Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. 561-578.

  • Teresa Marques, Manuel García-Carpintero. 2014

    Disagreement about taste: Commonality Presuppositions and Coordination

    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92(4): 701-723

  • Teresa Marques. 2014

    Doxastic Disagreement

    Erkenntnis. 79 (1): 121 - 142. doi: 10.1007/s10670-013-9448-1.

  • Teresa Marques, Daniel Cohnitz. 2014

    Disagreements, introduction

    Erkenntnis, 79 (1): 1-10. DOI 10.1007/s10670-013-9442-7

  • Teresa Marques, Daniel Cohnitz. 2014


    Erkenntnis 79 (1) Supplement.

  • Teresa Marques. 2014

    Relative Correctness

    Philosophical Studies. 167 (2): 361 - 373. doi: 10.1007/s11098-013-0100-3

  •  . 2013

    Lies and Deception: A Failed Reconciliation

    Logos & Episteme: An International Journal of Epistemology, 4 (2), 227-230.


  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013

    Critical Study: Relativism and Monadic Truth

    Philosophical Quarterly, 2013, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9213.12011 .

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013

    Self-Conception: Sosa on De Se Thought

    J. Turri (ed.), Virtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy of Ernest Sosa, Philosophical Studies Series, Springer, Dordrecht 2013, 73-99.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2013

    Explicit Performatives Revisited

    Journal of Pragmatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2013.01.005

  • Max Kölbel. 2013

    "Should we be Pluralists about Truth?"

    in Nicolaj Jang Pedersen and Cory Wright (eds), Truth Pluralism: Current Debates, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013.

  • Max Kölbel. 2013

    "The Conversational Role of Centered Contents "

    Inquiry 56, pp. 97–121.

  • Dan López de Sa. 2013

    Rigid vs Flexible Response-Dependent Properties

    Hoeltje, Schnieder & Steinberg (eds.), Dependence, Philosophia Verlag

  • Dan López de Sa. 2013

    'Vagueness as Semantic Indecision: Metaphysical Vagueness vs Indeterminate Reference'

    Metaphysica 14, 197-209 (special volume: Vagueness and Ontology)

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2013

    Contingentism about Individuals and Higher-Order Necessitism    

    Theoria, vol. 28/3, pp. 393-406.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2013

    Purposes of Reasoning and (a New Vindication of) Moore’s Proof of an External World    

    Synthese, vol. 190, pp. 4181-4200. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-013-0256-6.

  • Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2013

    'Living on the Brink, or Welcome Back, Growing Block!'

    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 8 (2013), 333-50

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2013

    'Realism and Anti-Realism'

    in: Pritchard, D. (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies: Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press,

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2013

    'Determinism, Open Future, and Branching Time'

    in: Correia, F. and Iacona, A. (eds.), Around the Tree, Synthese Library Vol. 361, 47-72

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012

    Minimalism on Quotation?

    Philosophical Studies, 161 (2012) , 207-225. DOI: 10.1007/s11098-011-9730-5 .

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012

    Foundational Semantics I: Descriptive Accounts

    Philosophy Compass 7(6), 2012, 397-409 DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-9991.2012.00484.x.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012

    Foundational Semantics II: Normative Accounts

    Philosophy Compass 7(6), 2012, 410-421 DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-9991.2012.00485.x

  • Dan López de Sa. 2012

    'What does it Take to Enter into the Circumstance?'

    Philosophical Studies (2012) 159:147–153, DOI 10.1007/s11098-011-9695-4

  • Teresa Marques, Manuel García-Carpintero. 2012

    Filosofia da Linguagem

    in P. Galvão (ed.), Filosofia - Uma Introdução por Disciplinas, Lisboa, Edições 70.

  • Genoveva Martí. 2012

    Empirical Data and the Theory of Reference

    Kabasenche,  W.; O'Rourke, M.; Slater, M. (eds.): Topics in Contemporary Philosophy: Reference and Referring. MIT Press: 63-82

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2012

    Los propósitos de razonar, ilustrados con el argumento externista anti-escéptico de Putnam

    Theoria, 27/1, núm. 3, pp. 55-74

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2012

    La prueba de Putnam contra el escepticismo radical: dos reinterpretaciones basadas en el autoconocimiento

    Crítica, vol. 44, pp. 35-63.

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2012

    'Radical Scepticism without Epistemic Closure'

    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85, 692-718

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2012

    'In Defence of Ockhamism'

    Philosophia - Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 40, 617-31 (to be reprinted in Fischer, J. M./Todd, P. (eds.), Freedom, Fatalism and Foreknowledge, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2013)

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011

    Truth-Bearers and Modesty

    Grazer Philosophische Studien, 82, 49-75.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011

    Double-duty Quotation, Conventional Implicatures and What Is Said

    E. Brendel, J. Meibauer & M. Steinbach (eds.): Understanding Quotation, Mouton Series in Pragmatics 7, 107-138.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011

    A Genealogical Notion

    Teorema 30, 43-52.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2011

    Review of Assertion, Brown & Cappelen (eds.), OUP 2011

    Teorema 30 (2011), 167-17.

  • Max Kölbel. 2011

    "Global Relativism and Self-Refutation "

    Steven D. Hales (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Relativism, Oxford: Blackwell.

  • Dan López de Sa, Elia Zardini. 2011

    'No-No. Paradox and Consistency'

    Analysis 71, 472-8

  • Genoveva Martí, José Martínez-Fernández. 2011

    General Terms, Rigidity and the Trivialization Problem

    Synthese 181, 2 (2011), pp. 277-293; doi:10.1007/s11229-010-9802-7

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2011

    Modest Skepticism and Question Begging Proper

    Grazer Philosophische Studien 83, pp. 9-32.

  • Sven Rosenkranz. 2011

    'European Functionalism'

    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (2011), 229-49

  • Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2011

    As Time Goes By

    monograph, Paderborn 2011: Mentis

  • Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2011

    'Eternal Facts in an Ageing Universe'

    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90, 307-20

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2010

    Fictional Singular Imaginings

    Jeshion, R. (ed.), New Essays on Singular Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 273-299.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2010

    Gaskin's Ideal Unity

     Dialectica 64, 2, 279-288.

  • Manuel García-Carpintero. 2010

    Supervaluationism and the Report of Vague Contents

    S. Moruzzi & R. Dietz. (eds.), Cuts and Clouds: Essays in the Nature and Logic of Vagueness, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 345-359.

  • Teresa Marques. 2010

    Truth and the Ambiguity of Negation

    in Rast, E & Baptista, L (eds.) Meaning and Context, Peter Lang.

  • Teresa Marques. 2010

    What Can Modes Do for (Moderate) Relativism?

    Crítica - Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, vol 42, no. 124, pp. 77 -- 100. 

  • Genoveva Martí, José Martínez-Fernández. 2010

    General Terms as Designators: A Defence of the View

    H. Beebee & N. Sabbarton-Leary: The Semantics and Metaphysics of Kinds. Routledge, pp. 46-63

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2010

    Invariantism versus Relativism about Truth

    Teorema (Vol. XXIX/3, pp. 145-162).

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2010

    El debate entre externistas e internistas sobre la racionalidad inferencial

    Análisis Filosófico, vol. 30, No. 2, Noviembre 2010, pp. 163-186.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2010

    Possible Worlds: Structure and Stuff

    Philosophical Papers vol. 39, No. 2 (July 2010), pp. 209-237.

  • David Pineda. 2010

    Non-committal Causal Explanations.

    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24/2: 147-70.