Duration: 2005 - 2008
Code: HUM2005-07539-C02-01/FISO (MEDU)
Cristina Balaguer
Ekain Garmendia
Josep Macià
Cristina Roadevin
Agustín Vicente
Compatibilism between externalist theses and rational-internalist intuitions (about meaning, knowledge, epistemic justification). Transparency of representational content. Non-reducibility of the referential semantic function. Discriminatory abilities required for knowledge and singular individuation. Development and application of Peacocke’s theory of concepts and apriority. Necessary conditions for the use of proper names and their transmission, relevant for the acquisition of knowledge by testimony. Relations between mental and linguistic representations.
Manuel Pérez Otero, (coautor). 2009
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 78, pp. 239-274
Autores: M. García-Carpintero y M. Pérez Otero
Manuel Pérez Otero. 2008
Philosophical Studies, Vol. 141, 3, pp. 357-376
Manuel Pérez Otero. 2007
Crítica, vol. 39, pp. 19-44
Manuel Pérez Otero. 2007
Ludus Vitalis. Revista de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la Vida, Vol. XV, núm. 27, pp. 37-49
Manuel Pérez Otero. 2006
Theoria, Vol. 21/2, pp. 213-232
Manuel Pérez Otero. 2005
Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, Vol. XXXI, pp. 93-120