Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Workshop MoT1—Truthmaking as Grounding: For and Against

Dates: 9-10 June 2014
Venue: Residència Investigadors del CSIC (c.Hospital 64, Barcelona)


This will be the first of a series of workshops on the themes of research project  MoT—The Makings of Truth: Nature, Extent, and Applications.

Invited Speakers:

David Liggins (Manchester)

Anna-Sofia Maurin (Gothenburg)

Josh Parsons (Oxford)

Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (Oxford)

Jonathan Schaffer (Rutgers)


Provisional program: 

Monday, June 9 

15:00-16:30 Liggins: “The factorization of truthmaking” 

17:00-18:30  Maurin: “Metaphysical explanation”    


Tuesday, June 10 


11:00-12:30 Parsons: "Is a metaphysical theory of truthmakers possible?"

15:00-16:30 Rodriguez-Pereyra: “Ground is not a strict partial order” 

17:00-18:30 Schaffer: “Truthgrounding”


Sponsored by MoT (FFI2012-35026, Spanish 

 Government), and organized by Dan López de Sa (ICREA-Universitat de Barcelona). No registration fee, but if interested in attending, please contact dlopezdesa AT 

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