Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Action control, awareness, and working memory

Workshop on 'Action control, awareness, and working memory' 

September 14


Organized by Joshua Shepherd


Sept. 14

3 pm CEST, Workshop begins: 15 minute introduction

3:15 - 4:20, Thomas Schack (Bielefeld) – “Architecture of Action: Building Blocks of Performance”.

4:20 - 5:25, Elisabeth Pacherie (Jean Nicod) – “Varieties of Goal-Directness in Intentional Action”.

5:25 - 5:30, Break

5:30 - 6:35, Barbara Montero (CUNY Graduate Center) – “Expertise and Effortful Control”

6:35 - 7:40, David Rosenbaum, (UC-Riverside) – “Mundane Observations“