University of Barcelona, November 16th and 17th
The project “Awareness, self-awareness and unawareness: Exploring the perception-cognition-action continuum” (PGC2018-095909-B-I00; PI: Josefa Toribio) will host a two-day online workshop, November 16th and November 17th. The aim of the workshop is to generate fruitful discussion on the relation between consciousness, agency and first-person representation or perspective. Interesting questions that we intend to address include, but are not limited to:
16 Nov
15:00 Presentation: Pepa Toribio and Miguel Ángel Sebastián
15:10-15:50 Carlota Serrahima: ‘Sensory fields: the visual and the bodily’
15:50-16:30 Raphaël Millière: ‘Spatial Content and Self-Representation in Perception’
16:30-16:35 - Break
16:35-17:30 Wayne Wu: ‘Intending as Practical Remembering?’
17:30-17:40 - Break
17:40-18:20 Myrto Mylopoulos: ‘Unconscious Perception and the Problem of Attribution’
18:20-19:00 Maik Oswald Niemeck: ‘The subjective character and mental relations’
Break 19:00-19:10
19:10-20:05 Denis Buehler: ‘A Capacity to Guide’
17 Nov
15:30-16:10 Gabriele Ferretti: ‘Visuomotor Consciousness’
16:10-16:50 Marta Jorba and Tom McClelland: ‘Perceptual Motivation for Action’
16:50-16:55 – Break
16:55-17:50 Léa Salje: ‘Losing Oneself and Making Oneself’
17:50-18:00 - Break
18:00-18:40 Aaron Henry: ‘Consciousness, Agency, and the Sense of Ownership of Action’
18:40-18:45 - Break
18:45-19:40 Krisztina Orbán & Hong Yu Wong: ‘On the possibility of naturalising the first person’