Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Metacognition, Consciousness, Agency

May 9

Session One (Joshua Shepherd (University of Barcelona, Carleton), Chair)

9:30 Sofia Bonicalzi (LMU), An empirically-based model of action control


10:05 Santiago Amaya (Universidad de los Andes) and Samuel Murray (Notre Dame), Vigilance


10:40 Santiago Arango-Muñoz (Universidad de Antioquia) and Juan Pablo Bermúdez

(Universidad Externado de Columbia): Intentional mind-wandering as intentional omission: The surrealist method


Break: 11:15-11:45


Session Two (Chair Josefa Toribio ICREA-UB, Chair)

11:45-12:45 Nicholas Shea (Institute of Philosophy, London)


Lunch: 12:45-2:30


Session Three (Chair Josefa Toribio ICREA-UB, Chair)

2:30-3:30 Myrto Mylopoulos (Carleton)


Break: 3:30-3:45


Session Four (Chair Josefa Toribio ICREA-UB, Chair)

3:45 Elisabeth Parés Pujolràs (UCL), Do we know what we are about to do? A real time BCI study of intention awareness


4:15 Miguel Ángel Sebastián (UNAM), A new take on unconscious perception: Individuating ‘representations by the individual’ in terms of content rather than action


Workshop dinner: 7:30


May 10


Session Five (Chair Miguel Ángel Sebastián UNAM, Chair)

10:00 Lucie Charles (UCL), Evidence for metacognitive bias in perception of voluntary action


10:35 Oriane Armand (LMU), Comparing metacognition of values and decisions across two values domains


Break: 11:10-11:30


Session Six (Joshua Shepherd (University of Barcelona, Carleton), Chair)

11:30-12:30 Marion Rouault (UCL)


Lunch: 12:30-2:30


Session Seven (Gary Comstock (North Carolina State), Chair)

2:30 Jorge Morales (Johns Hopkins), ‘Sure you can do that, but you can’t do this!’ Flexible effective action and the functions of consciousness


3:05 Melanie Rosen (Aarhus), Strange bedfellows: Sense of agency and metacognition in dreams


3:40 Martijn Wokke (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Differential information contributes to first- and second-order decision making