Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Oriol Roca-Martín

LOGOS | Universitat de Barcelona - Logic, Language, and Cognition Research Group
BIAP |  Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy - María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence
Oriol Roca-Martín



Universtat de Barcelona, Departent of Philosophy. Montalegre Street, 6-8. 4th Floor. Office 4090; 08001-Barcelona

I am a PhD student under the supervision of Manolo Martínez and José Díez. Before joining the CCiL Doctoral Programme at the UB (Universitat de Barcelona) I earned a BA in Philosophy from the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), and the CCiL MA from the UB. My doctoral research is funded by an FPI grant (CEX2021-001169-M-20-1) associated to the BIAP "Evidence in Science" working package. I develop my current research activities within the project Reassessing Scientific Objectivity (code PID2020-115114GB-I00).

My current doctoral research, "So, what is real in the Real Patterns framework? Exploring its boundaries and applications for the life sciences", mainly pivots around the dificulties that arise when trying to understand the nature of the special sciences and the complex abstractions and modelling activies these fields develop. Based on the information-theoretic notion of pattern recognition,  Daniel Dennett proposes Real Patterns as a framework for understanding the special sciences that presumably would avoid the downsides associated with reductionism and emergentism, while respecting some key scientific desiderata—i.e., realism, objectivity, and physicalism. While Dennett's framework is often indirectly appealed to, it has never been more than a general sketch. I take his proposal at face value, and try to identify and push its weak and strong points with a preliminary construction exercise, in which: (i) I examine the conceptual and formal feasibility of the framework, (ii) I attempt to assemble an updated version of Real Patterns that follows the latest literature on the topic, and (iii) I evaluate how this version fares empirically, and beyond (e.g.: whether it can present non-epistemic virtues for unification, theory choice, scientific discovery, amongs others). Ultimately assessing whether it has the merits for configurating a genuine (non eliminativist) alternative framework for accounting for "emergent" behaviours in the special sciences—as it was originally proposed for. 

More broadly, I am interested in general philosophy of science, causation and causal inference, the philosophy of biology/of mind/of medicine, and of information and computation, as well as some aspects of semantics—all along with interests in some of the ethical and practical derivations of all the latter topics. Besides, I part-time study a BE in Mathematics for Data Science at the UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). 

When I am not sitting on a chair I love adventures and playing music.