Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Bryan Pickel

I am a post-doctoral researcher through the PERSP project and a member of the LOGOS research group at the University of Barcelona.

Bryan Pickel


Email: bryan.pickel [at] 


Dept. Lógica, Història i Filosofía de la Ciència, Universitat de Barcelona

LOGOS – Grup de Recerca en Lògica, Llenguatge i Cognició

Montalegre 6; Barcelona 08001

Curriculum Vitae

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My research lies within metaphysics and the philosophy of language. I am currently working on projects in meta-ontology concerned with the nature of ontological commitment and the relationship between ontology and ordinary theorizing.

In addition, I have historical interests in the analytic tradition. I have written on Frege's semantics for quantification. I am working on projects on incomplete symbols in Russell's philosophy and Carnap's view of ontology

Selection of Publications

  • Bryan Pickel. 2013

    Russell on Incomplete Symbols

    forthcoming at Philosophy Compass
  • Bryan Pickel. 2013

    Variables and Attitudes

    forthcoming at Nous
  • Bryan Pickel. 2012

    "Rigidification and Attitudes"

    Philosophical Studies 158:43-58
  • Bryan Pickel, (with Nicholas Mantegani). 2012

    "A Quinean Critique of Ostrich Nominalism"

    Philosophers' Imprint 12
  • Bryan Pickel. 2012

    "Review of Things by Stephen Yablo"

    The Philosophical Quarterly, 62: 215-217
  • Bryan Pickel, Derek Ball. 2012

    One Dogma of Millianism

    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. DOI: 10.1111/phpr.12009
  • Bryan Pickel. 2010

    "There Is No 'Is' of Constitution"

    Philosophical Studies 147 (2): 193-211
  • Bryan Pickel. 2010

    "Syntax in Basic Laws 29-32"

    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 51: 253-277