Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Alberto Oya

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

IFILNOVA – Instituto de Filosofia da Nova / Arg Lab – Lisbon Mind and Reasoning Research Group

Alberto Oya


Curriculum Vitae

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Current position: FCT Research Fellow at the IFILNOVA - Instituto de Filosofia da Nova (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), and member of ArgLab - Lisbon Mind and Reasoning Research Group.


PhD in Philosophy (Universitat de Girona, UdG: 2020), MA in Analytic Philosophy (Universitat de Barcelona, UB: 2015), BA in Geography and History (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED: 2015), and BA in Philosophy (Universitat de Girona, UdG: 2013).


In February 2020 I obtained my PhD with the dissertation titled Unamuno’s Natural Foundation for Religious Faith (Qualification: Excellent Cum Laude with International Mention). My research was funded by University of Girona (IFUdG2016) and supervised by Josep Ll. Prades.


By now, my main research interests are in philosophy of religion, with a particular focus on non-doxastic conceptions of religious faith.


I am the author of Unamuno's Religious Fictionalism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).


Most of my papers can be downloaded from my PhilPapers Profile .





Selection of Publications