Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Albert Solé

Associate professor ("Professor agregat") /Departament de Filosofia /Universitat de Barcelona
Albert Solé


Albert.Sole AT

Departament de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona.

C/ Montalegre, 6-8; 08001, Barcelona. 

Office: 4063

Phone: +34 934 037 916

I am currently associate professor at the Departament of Philosophy of the Universitat de Barcelona. My research focuses on the philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics and, more particularly, of Bohmian mechanics. More generally, I am interested in the connection between physics and metaphysics and a host of topics concerning the philosophy and methodology of science (explanation, representation, confirmation). I have also interests in the history and philosophy of yoga and the non-dualist traditions in India and elsewhere.

Selection of Publications

  • Albert Solé, Xavier Oianguren, Xavier Oriols, Carlos Destefani. 2024

    (forthcoming)  How weak values illuminate the role of “hidden” variables as predictive tools

    In Andrea Oldofredi (ed.) Guiding Waves in Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press.
  • Albert Solé. 2022

    Contra la fragmentació: la filosofia quàntica de Bohm

    Compàs d’Amalgama, núm. 5, pp. 56-59.
  • Albert Solé, Antonio Vassallo. 2022

    Quantum foundations in a nutshell

    Metascience 31, pp.17-20.
  • Albert Solé, Díez Calzada, J.A.. 2022

    On the elusive formalization of the risky condition for hypothesis testing

    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 199-219.
  • Albert Solé. 2020

    Einstein versus teoría cuántica: el coste de la (in)certidumbre

    La Maleta de Portbou, núm. 41, pp. 48-53.
  • Albert Solé, Carl Hoefer. 2019

    The nomological interpretation of the wave function

    in Alberto Cordero (Ed.) Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics. Synthese Library Series.
  • Albert Solé. 2017

    Surrealistic Bohmian Trajectories Appraised

    European Journal for the Philosophy of Science. October 2017, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp 467–492.
  • Albert Solé, Xavier Oriols, Damiano Marian and Nino Zanghì. 2016

    How does quantum uncertainty emerge from deterministic Bohmian mechanics?

    Fluctuation and Noise Letters, Vol. 15, Num. 3.

  • Albert Solé. 2016

    Infradeterminación de teorías y el derrumbe de los mitos cuánticos

    Martí, G. and  Gil, Ll. (eds.) ¿Quo Vadis, Ciencia? Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  • Albert Solé, Carl Hoefer. 2015

    Introduction: space-time and the wave function

    Synthese. Vol 192 (10), pp. 3055-3070.
  • Albert Solé, Carl Hoefer.. 2015

    Guest editor of the Special Issue "Space-time and the wave-function"

    Synthese, Vol. 192(10)
  • Albert Solé. 2013

    Bohmian mechanics without wave function ontology

    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. Volume 44, Issue 4, November 2013, pp. 365–378.
  • Albert Solé. 2012

    Muchos mundos bohmianos

    Scientiae Studia 10(1), pp.105-136. Special Issue about the Logic and Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics  edited by Décio Krause and Christian De Ronde.
  • Albert Solé. 2009

    Realismo e interpretación en mecánica Bohmiana

    [My doctoral dissertation. Supervisor: Mauricio Suárez. Available at:]
  • Albert Solé. 2009

    3d-realism, Bohmian mechanics and the quest for explanation

    González-Recio (Ed.) Philosophical Essays on Physics and Biology, Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 251–275.
  • Albert Solé, Mauricio Suárez. 2006

    On the analogy between cognitive representacion and truth

    Theoria 55, pp. 39-48.