Silvia Bofill

Conference “Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood” Oñati, Gipuzkoa 23-27 June 2018

Conference “Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood” Oñati, Gipuzkoa 23-27 June 2018

Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica, Oñati, Gipuzkoa, Narotzky, S. (org.) Narotzky, S. (2018) Presenter in Roundtable “Livelihoods, power, and economics: Grassroots insights for theory development” Bofill, Sílvia (2018) “Joint struggles for care in the context of crisis: (in)solidarities and moral community” Homs, Patricia (2018) “Resilient austerity: Cooperatives and entrepreneurship in Catalonia” Loperfido, Giacomo (2018) “Bankruptcy, or Life Failure? Entrepreneurialism and(…)

International Workshop “Ten Years of Crisis: The Ethnography of Austerity”, Lisbon, 10-12 January 2018

International Workshop “Ten Years of Crisis: The Ethnography of Austerity”, Lisbon, 10-12 January 2018

Amarianakis, S. & Pusceddu, A.M. (2018) Invited paper, “The Social Reproduction of Austerity: A Comparison of Greek and Italian Households”   Bofill, S. (2018), Discussant, “Autonomy, Dependence and Care”   Homs, P., Flores-Pons, G. and Adrià Martín Mayor (2018) “Care and livelihood sustainability within agro-ecological cooperativism”   Matos, P. & Sarkis, D. (2018), “The Body(…)

XIV Congreso de Antropología, Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español, September 5-8, Valencia

XIV Congreso de Antropología, Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español, September 5-8, Valencia

Amarianakis, S. (2017) “Experiencias, Conocimientos y Explicaciones de la crisis en Chalkida, Grecia” (Grassroots Meanings and Understandings of Crisis in Chalkida, Greece)   Bofill, S. (2017), Paper, “La precarización laboral de las mujeres migrantes que cuidan en España como conflicto político y de derechos”   Leidereiter, C. (2017) Paper, “When Austerity Meets Conservation Law: Social(…)