

21-24 July 2020: Panel organizers (Narotzky, S.; Edwards, J.) “’All our Brexits’: precarity, austerity and backlash”, 16th EASA Biennial Conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon, online with Shindig platform


26 November 2019: International Workshop organization (Narotzky, S.; Neiburg, F. and Guérin, I.) “Economy and Society: Framing Economic Lives”, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ

12-14 December 2019: Panel convenor (Pusceddu, Antonio Maria and Andrea Ravenda) “Il laboratorio oltre la metropoli:  Antropologia pubblica della provincia industriale italiana”, National conference of Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata – SIAA, Ferrara (Italy)

21-22 November 2019: International workshop organizer (Pusceddu, Antonio Maria) “The global life of mines: Mining and post-mining between extractivism and heritage-making”, University of Cagliari, EASA Anthropology of Mining Network, Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Cagliari (Italy)


14-17 August 2018: Panel organizers (Matos; Streinzer & Douzina-Bakalaki), “Critical feminism and the politics of austerity: gender regimes and the making of economic orthodoxies”, 15 th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm

14-17 August 2018: Panel organizers (Pusceddu and Loher), “Transnational corporations, industrial disasters and environmental hazards. Allocating moral and legal responsibilities across different national context”, 15 th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm

14-17 August 2018: Panel organization (Vetta and Kofti), “Ideologies of dispossession along the private/public conundrum” 15 th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm

23-27 June 2018: Organization Final Conference (Narotzky) “Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood”, Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica, Oñati, Gipuzkoa

13 February 2018: Organization workshop (Narotzky and Wagner) “Reciprocity, solidarity, debt: anthropological, sociological and philosophical perspectives on exchange relations”, University of Barcelona, Barcelona

10-12 January 2018: Organization of Wenner-Gren International Workshop (Lima; Pina-Cabral and Narotzky) “Ten Years of Crisis: The Ethnography of Austerity”, Lisbon


28 November-3 December 2017: Organizer and Chair of panel “Surviving Austerity in Europe: Autonomy and dependencies between entrepreneurship and solidarity” (Narotzky), American Anthropological Association 116th Annual Meeting, Washington DC

28 November-3 December 2017: Organizer and Chair of panel “Embodying Austerity in Europe: Pain, Anger, and the Politics of Care” (Narotzky), American Anthropological Association 116th Annual Meeting, Washington DC

28 November-3 December 2017: Organizers panel “‘Global North’ and ‘Global South’ revisited: Putting core-periphery relations in context” (Pusceddu and Loperfido), American Anthropological Association 116th Annual Meeting, Washington DC

16 November 2017: Keynote (Narotzky) “The Grassroots Economic Project: Reactions to the Breakdown of Social Reproduction and Austerity Policies in Everyday Life”, in ‘Policy Making in Hard Times: Deregulation, Dismantling and Compensation, Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona

25 October 2017: Annual Gold Lecture (Narotzky), “’To have a life’: Autonomy, dependency, and conflict in times of austerity”, Goldsmiths, University of London, London

11 September 2017: Plenary speakers (Palomera and Holm), “New Municipalism. Hopes and Limits of Progressive Urban Policies. Critical Dialogue between Berlin and Barcelona”, RC21 Annual Conference: Rethinking global urban justice, International Sociological Association, Leeds, UK

13-14 July 2017: Organization GRECO workshop “Comparative results of the Grassroots Economics project: analytical points and theoretical questions” (Narotzky), Barcelona

19 April 2017: Invited seminar: Alejandro Marambio Tapia (University of Manchester) “Credit, debt and financialization of everyday life: the moral economy of the working class in Chile”, organized by GRECO, Barcelona

15 March 2017: Invited seminar (Palomera), “What’s debt got to do with financialization? Three steps to a multidimensional and multiscalar process”, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

24 February 2017: Invited lecture: María Inés Fernández Álvarez (Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET) “Los trabajadores de la economía popular en Argentina. Experiencias de precariedad, subjetividades políticas y construcción colectiva de derechos”, organized by GRECO & Master in Anthropology & Ethnography UB, Barcelona

17 February 2017: Invited seminar (Pusceddu), “Beyond the “southern question”: Scale, crisis and social reproduction in contemporary Italy”, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon

10-12 January 2017: International workshop “Populism in Theory: Towards and Anthropological Frame” (Loperfido, G. [GRECO-ERC] & Enge Bertelsen, B. [Egalitarianism-ERC] co-organizers, Wenner-Gren funded, Barcelona


15-17 December 2016: Organization GRECO workshop (Narotzky and Lima) “Insights from the field: themes from nine Southern European fieldsites”, Lisboa, PT

16-20 November 2016: Program chair of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (AAA) (Palomera), American Anthropological Association 115th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

12 October 2016: Invited Lecture (Narotzky), “Repenser l’économie: les valeurs du quotidien”, cycle “L’humain, singulier et pluriel. Nouvelles frontières de l’anthropologie”, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, École Normale Supérieure, Paris

26-30 Septembre 2016: Invited speaker (Narotzky), “Contrepoint: le programme de recherche ‘Grassroots economics’. La théorie confrontée à l’ethnographie”, Colloque International “Gouverner les pratiques économiques”, Paris

20-23 July 2016: Plenary Speaker (Narotzky), “Competition and equality or monopoly and privilege: Two faces of capitalist accumulation, the case of Southern Europe”, 14th EASA Biennial Conference, European Association of Social Anthropologists, Milano

11 May 2016: Invited seminar (Sarkis) ““Grassroots economics: reflexiones en torno a un proyecto etnográfico-comparativo colectivo”, Master in Social Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona


9-10 March 2015: Workshop on “Political Economy: Labour, Capital and the State”, Organized by GRECO (Narotzky & Palomera) University of Barcelona, Barcelona. Invited Scholars: Professor Jane L. Collins (University of Wisconsin, Madison); Professor Sharryn M. Kasmir (Hofstra University, New York); Professor Tania M. Li (University of Toronto).

23 February 2015. Invited Lecture: Prof.Ida Susser (CUNY), Globalization, Austerity and the Growth of the Right in the U.S. and Europe: comparative approaches

6 February 2015: Invited Lecture: Prof. Maria Claudia Coelho (Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), “Hierarchy, Emotions and Exchange: gift-giving between housewives and maids”

28-30 January 2015: Workshop on “Sustainable Communities, Heritage and Economies.” Co-organized by University of Barcelona (Palomera & Narotzky) and University of Massachusetts Amherst (Harper & Hemment), at University of Barcelona. Scholars participating: Prof. Krista Harper & Julie Hemment (UMass), Prof. Susana Narotzky, Mikel Aramburu & Silvia Bofill (UB), Barcelona, Spain.


19-21 December 2014: Workshop “The Economic and the Political: Locating the Greek Crisis within History and Anthropology” Organized by Durham University, Durham, UK.

28 November 2014: Invited Lecture: Prof. Adriana Piscitelli (University of Campinas, Brazil), “Sex, money and mobilities in times of crisis – Flows of people between Spain and Brazil”

14 November 2014: Invited Lecture: Dr.Nikolas Kosmpatopoulos (University of Lausanne), “Micromegas and the Mediterranean: Sea, Solidarity, Security”.

6-7 November 2014: Workshop: “Collaborative research and ethics: issues of relations in the field and within teams” Organized by GRECO, Barcelona, Spain. Invited Scholars: Prof. Florence Weber (École Normale Supérieure), Dr. Agnès Tricoche (Paris X- ArScAn), Prof. Susana de Matos Viegas (ICS-ISCTE).

17-19 March 2014: Workshop:  “Ethics II” Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AiSSR) (co-organized by 3 ERC projects GRECO, GLOBALSPORT, CHEMICAL-YOUTH and LONGTERM CARE project), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Invited scholars Prof. Rena Lederman (University of Princeton) and Prof. Lise Dobrin (University of Virginia, AAA ethics review panel).

7-9 October 2013: Workshop “Care, generations, and consumption”, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AiSSR) (co-organized by 3 ERC projects GRECO, GLOBALSPORT and CHEMICAL- YOUTH), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (invited scholars: Prof. Christopher Gregory (ANU), Deborah James (LSE), Susana Narotzky (UB), Deborah Posel (University of Cape Town).