Theodora Vetta

  • Vetta, T. (2021 forthcoming). “Merecimiento y judicialización del impago hipotecario en Grecia.” In Aramburu, M. & S. Bofill (eds.), Sentidos de injusticia, sentidos de crisis: tensiones conceptuales y aproximaciones Etnográficas. Barcelona: Editorial Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Vetta, T. (2020). “Bondage unemployment and intra-class tensions in Greek energy restructuring.” In S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, pp.25-48.  London: Pluto Press.
  • Vetta, T. and Palomera, J. (2020) “Concrete Stories in Southern Europe: Financialisation and Inequality in the Construction Chain”. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. pp. 888-907.
  • Vetta, T. (2019) Democracy Struggles: NGOs and the Politics of Aid in Serbia. New York: Berghahn Books
  • Vetta, T. (2017) The Habits of the Heart: Grassroots “Revitalization” and State Transformations in Serbia. In Lashaw, A., Sampson, S., and Vannier, C. (eds.) Cultures of Doing Good: Anthropologists and NGOs. University of Alabama Press
  • Vetta, T. and Palomera, J. (eds). (2016). Editors of special issue Moral Economy in Crisis. Anthropological Theory, 16 (4)