Susana Narotzky

  • Narotzky, S. (2021 forthcoming) “The Janus face of austerity politics: autonomy and dependence in contemporary Spain.” Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
  • Narotzky, S. (2021 forthcoming) “The politics of evidence in an uncertain world: experience, knowledge, social facts and factual truth”, Disparidades. Revista de Antropología
  • Loperfido G., Pusceddu A.M. and Narotzky, S. (eds.) (2021 forthcoming). “Special Issue: The everyday state: Politics and livelihoods in Austerity Europe”, Antropologia
  • Narotzky, S.; Matos, P.; Pusceddu, A.M. (2020) “Valuation struggles: Rethinking the economy in times of crisis” interview by Corinne Schwaller, Gerhild Perl, Janina Kehr for Tsantsa. Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association Vol.25: 182–193
  • Narotzky, S. (ed.) (2020) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

  • Narotzky, S. (2020) “Introduction: Grassroots Economics in Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press
  • Narotzky, S. and Pusceddu, A. (2020) “Social reproduction in times of crisis: inter-generational tensions in southern Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

  • Homs, P. and Narotzky, S. (2019) “Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives in Catalonia”. In Krista Harper & Valeria Siniscalchi (eds) Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. London: Bloomsbury, pp.132-146

  • Narotzky, S. (2019) “Populism’s claims: The struggle between privilege and equality” in Bruce Kapferer & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (eds.) Democracy’s paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis, Oxford: Berghahn, pp.97-121

  • Narotzky, S. (2019) “Austerity lives in Southern Europe: Experience, knowledge, evidence and social facts”, in Jillian Cavanaugh & Karen Ho (eds.) Vital Forum: What happened to social facts? American Anthropologist

  • Homs, P. and Narotzky, S. (2019) “Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives in Catalonia”. In Krista Harper & Valeria Siniscalchi (eds) Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. London: Bloomsbury
  • Besnier, N. and Narotzky, S. (2019) “Epilogue. Indeterminacy : Between Worth and Worthlessness” in Catherine Alexander and Andrew Sanchez (eds.) Waste, Value, and the Imagination. Oxford: Berghahn, pp.181-193

  • Narotzky, S. (2018) “Rethinking the concept of labour”, Special Issue on Labour, Penny Harvey and Christian Krohn-Hansen (eds), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.24 (S1):29-43
  • Narotzky, S. (2017) “Librando la batalla por la ideología: contra la hegemonía de la forma” in Palenzuela, P. (ed) Antropología y compromiso, Barcelona: Icaria. [Spanish translation of “On Waging the Ideological War: Against the Hegemony of Form” Anthropological Theory, Vol. 16(2-3): 263-284]
  • Narotzky, S. and Goddard, V. (Eds.) (2017) Work and Livelihoods – History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, New York: Routledge, Society for the Anthropology of Work book prize 2017
  • Narotzky, S. (2017) “Making Difference: Concluding Comments on Work and Livelihoods”. In Narotzky, S. and Goddard, V. (Eds.) (2017) Work and Livelihoods – History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, New York: Routledge, pp.205-215
  • Narotzky, S. (2016) “Economy, Feminist Approaches” in Cox, R. and Callan, H. (Eds.) International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology: Anthropology Beyond Text, New York: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Narotzky, S. (2015) “The Payoff of Love and the Traffic of Favours: Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Blurring of Value Realms in Flexible Capitalism” in Kjaerulff, Jens (Ed.) Flexible Capitalism. Exchange and Ambiguity at Work, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp.268-31
  • Narotzky, S. (2013) “Moral outrage and political mobilization: reactions to austerity measures and the economic crisis”, Suomen Antropologi, Vol. 38 (4): 43-47